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Stories & News

Every great Dartmouth memory begins with a story.

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From learning to impact — discover the ways in which members of the Dartmouth community are staying engaged and changing the world. 

A collage of head shots featuring couples in this year's love stories

Big Green Love Stories: 2025 Edition

Celebrate Dartmouth couples who found love in Hanover in this year's edition of Big Green Love Stories.
The judges and Magnuson staff posing with the winner, Alice Kim 02.

Dartmouth Consumer Startup Accelerator Culminates with Final Pitches in Seattle

The Dartmouth Alumni Consumer Startup Accelerator continues to expand opportunities for alumni founders in consumer spaces.

3 minute read

A side-by-side photo of Louise Erdrich and Annette Gordon Reed

New Trailblazer Scholarships Honor Two Acclaimed Alumnae

Award-winning authors Annette Gordon-Reed ’81 H’21 and Louise Erdrich ’76 H’09 are the latest members of the Dartmouth community to have a scholarship named in their honor as part of an initiative that recognizes pioneering Black Americans, Native Americans, women, and others underrepresented during much of the College’s history.
An aerial shot of a group gathered in a circle on the green in a candlelight vigil honoring the late Buddy Teevens.

A Groundswell of Group Giving Honors Buddy Teevens

Football alumni, classes, and friends rally to advance the late coach’s legacy.

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Hopkins Center Video Honors a Community’s Resistance and Healing

Headshots of the four alumni featured in the story.

Moral Courage in the Face of Change and Uncertainty

This year’s theme calls on the Dartmouth community to reflect on their values and engage in meaningful dialogue.
A photo of the MLK monument in Washington D.C.

Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration 2025

This year’s theme, “Moral Courage in the Face of Fear and Uncertainty,” challenges us to reflect on Dr. King’s teachings and their relevance in today’s world.
A side-by-side photo of Louise Erdrich and Annette Gordon Reed

New Trailblazer Scholarships Honor Two Acclaimed Alumnae

Award-winning authors Annette Gordon-Reed ’81 H’21 and Louise Erdrich ’76 H’09 are the latest members of the Dartmouth community to have a scholarship named in their honor as part of an initiative that recognizes pioneering Black Americans, Native Americans, women, and others underrepresented during much of the College’s history.

President Beilock’s Visit to London Surveys Dartmouth’s Global Footprint

In her first trip to London as president of Dartmouth, Sian Leah Beilock met with students, faculty, parents and alumni, and representatives from peer institutions, academic partners, and media—reaffirming Dartmouth’s commitment to its global community and the focus on impact.

Short Talks on Big Ideas

Short Talks on Big Ideas is a series where Dartmouth professors take a dive deep into the core of their work, offering fresh perspectives and illuminating insights.
Three people posing and smiling at the camera underneath a tent with lights.

An Evening of Unity and Leadership

More than 100 alumni, guests, and friends gathered on Martha’s Vineyard for an evening marked by camaraderie, conversation, and celebration. Despite a surprise summer storm, the fourth annual BADA summer gathering was a testament to the enduring spirit and strength of Dartmouth’s Black alumni community. 
An overhead shot of the group at the DGALA mini reunion event during Reunions.

Spotlight on DGALA's June Mini-Reunion

DGALA, Dartmouth’s LGBTQIA+ alumni association, hosted its annual mini-reunion on Friday, June 14 and Saturday, June 15 to coincide with the 2024 Commencement and Reunion period.
Mateo Romero

50 for 50 Podcast: Mateo Romero ’89

In Episode 1, Mateo Romero ’89 talks with his friend and classmate, podcast host Jennifer Avellino, about the things that have profoundly influenced and emboldened his work.
Ricki Fairley

50 for 50 Podcast: Ricki Fairley ’78

In Episode 2, Ricki Fairley thought she would never live to see her youngest daughter graduate.
AlexAnna Salmon

50 for 50 Podcast: AlexAnna Salmon ’08

In Episode 9: Growing up in the village of Igiugig in the Bristol Bay region of southwestern Alaska, home to about 70 tribal members, Salmon was always the only student in her grade. She spent happy days at the feet of elders, soaking up language and traditions. Now, drawing on her many-faceted Dartmouth experience, she's documenting the history of her Native community and leading it into the future. 
Keith Boykin

50 for 50 Podcast: Keith Boykin ’87

In Episode 8: "Gender, race, and Native American inclusion—they were all issues that we struggled with on campus in the mid to late 1980s, in part because the scars from the battles of the past hadn't yet healed."
Selassie Atadika

50 for 50 Podcast: Selassie Atadika ’98

In Episode 7, Selassie Atadika ’98 has two lifelong passions: world travel and food.
Bianca Smith

50 for 50 Podcast: Bianca Smith ’12

In Episode 6: Less than a decade after graduating from Dartmouth, where she majored in sociology and played on the varsity softball and baseball club teams, Bianca Smith joined the Red Sox as a minor league coach—the first Black woman in history to reach that goal. But Smith refuses to see herself as a trailblazer, insisting that she's just doing what her parents, also Dartmouth grads, advised. "Find what you're passionate about, what makes you wake up in the morning."
Olivia Goodwin

50 for 50 Podcast: Olivia Goodwin ’21

In Episode 5: Olivia Goodwin came to Dartmouth as a pole vaulter, joined the women's track and field team, and majored in sociology. Determined to help other students feel affirmed and accepted as they explore their gender and sexuality, Goodwin served in leadership roles with Dartmouth's Office of Pluralism and Leadership, the Student Wellness Center, the Dartmouth Outing Club, and the Pride Committee.
Carmen Lopez

50 for 50 Podcast: Carmen Lopez ’97

In Episode 4: Growing up in the Navajo Nation, Carmen Lopez had never heard of the Ivy League when she became spellbound by a guest speaker at her high school: Dr. Lori Arviso Alvord, Dartmouth Class of 1979, the first female Navajo surgeon. Arriving on campus in 1997, Lopez quickly involved herself in Native American Studies and joined the growing effort by Indigenous students to battle stereotypical language and imagery.  
Victoria Li

50 for 50 Podcast: Victoria Li '16

In Episode 3: When Victoria Li ’16 first left New York City to attend Dartmouth, she felt a little lost, missing her close-knit Asian-American family and their bustling restaurant. Inspired by her family’s love of food, she found comfort in serving falafel sandwiches from a campus food truck, founding a club that hosted food tastings on campus, and even washing dishes in the dining hall. Since graduation, Victoria's had some fascinating twists and turns in her rising career. 
A photo of a group of people seated at a table with plates and water glasses.

Dartmouth College Announces Outreach, Partnership with Native American Communities

Four-year pilot program will enable students to work with Native American communities on health care, economic, and governmental challenges
Edward Garrison Draper 1855

Give a Rouse for Edward Garrison Draper, Class of 1855

Give a Rouse for Edward Garrison Draper, Class of 1855, who the Maryland Bar will posthumously admit in October.
An illustration of the original Dartmouth Hall with the text "From Awareness to Action, Antiracist Training for Fundraisers

Dartmouth Wins Three CASE Circle of Excellence Awards

A group shot of all of the attendees of the 2023 BADA Martha's Vineyard event.

An Inspiring Gathering: BADA Hosts an Unforgettable Event on Martha’s Vineyard

Short Talks on Big Ideas: Kimberly Juanita Brown on Slavery's Afterlife

Go back to class with Associate Professor Kimberly Juanita Brown as she examines our culture’s perception of Black bodies, imminent death, and the ways these images can cause collective suffering.
Headshot of Karen Schudson

50 for 50 Alumni Profile: Karen Schudson ’72

Headshot of Wanda Irving

50 for 50 Alumni Profile: Wanda Irving

Headshot of Geo Soctomah Neptune

50 for 50 Alumni Profile: Geo Soctomah Neptune ’10

Headshot of Emily Mulvoy Kornegay

50 for 50 Alumni Profile: Emily Mulvoy Kornegay '99

Headshot of Leslie Embs Bradford

Alumni Profile: Leslie Embs Bradford '77

Dancers at the powwow

Powwow and Lūʻau Celebrate Indigenous Cultures

A colorful illustration with whimsical portraits of ten Dartmouth alumni that relate to their career

The 50 for 50 Storytelling Project

The 50 for 50 Storytelling Project podcast brings you several alumni from each milestone anniversary community to talk about their Dartmouth experience and careers. Host Jennifer Avellino ’89 interviews the alumni in this exciting podcast.

Great Issues, New Perspectives: Maxwell L. Anderson ’77 and Kimberly Juanita Brown

Maxwell L. Anderson ’77, President of the Souls Grown Deep Foundation connects with Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing Kimberly Juanita Brown in a conversation about the vital intersection of storytelling, social justice, and the arts.

Great Issues, New Perspectives: Annette Gordon-Reed ’81 and Julia Rabig

MacArthur Fellow and Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Annette Gordon-Reed ’81 discusses the paradox of America’s historic commitment to freedom and its real history of slavery and racism with Associate Professor of History Julia Rabig.