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Office of Development

Support Dartmouth and change lives, and the world, in the process.

We’re Here to Help

Development staff are here to help you match your passion with institutional needs and priorities. 

Why I Give

I give so that the students of today and tomorrow can have the same opportunities that the alumni of the past provided to me!”

W. Kyle Gore ’84

Dartmouth taught me I could be me. That’s an invaluable gift that no amount of money could repay.”

Alexandra Meise ’01

My ‘Dartmouth experience’ has influenced me positively all of my life since then. I am grateful for the education, confidence, and, equally important, friendships.”

Carol Gieg ’79

I know there are students in need of financial assistance right now. If I’m in a position to help, even in a small way, I want to be there for my extended Dartmouth family.”

Max Samuels ’15

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