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Dartmouth College Fund Committee

Learn more about this devoted group of volunteers and donors.

What is the Dartmouth College Fund Committee?

The Dartmouth College Fund Committee (DCFC) is an advisory board to the DCF that focuses on strategic fundraising matters and provides alumni leadership to support the annual fund’s mission. It fosters a culture of giving to the institution as a means to invest in the future of Dartmouth students.

Members serve as ambassadors to the alumni community and are among Dartmouth’s most devoted volunteers and donors. DCFC members have an abiding commitment to Dartmouth, evidenced by years of volunteerism and consistent financial support. They bring diverse backgrounds, experiences, and leadership in business, government, education, and nonprofit work to the committee. Alumni become members by invitation of the fund’s executive director and the chair of the DCFC. Members typically serve one three-year term.

Committee Members

Read more about DCFC members, from their personal and professional backgrounds to the reasons they choose to serve Dartmouth in this capacity.

Aerial shot of Baker Library and the Green in fall