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Alumni Awards

Each year we recognize a few alumni in our global community of thinkers and doers for particularly outstanding achievements.

Celebrating Service

Alumni council committees meet and select alumni and faculty recipients each year to be honored for their accomplishments. These awards recognize alumni for their service to Dartmouth and contributions to their communities. 

The Dartmouth Alumni Award

The Alumni Council annually presents the Dartmouth College Alumni Award to a select few alumni who have demonstrated extraordinary service to Dartmouth and civic organizations in addition to career accomplishment. The award recognizes individuals who graduated at least 25 years ago. 

A photo of Nelson Armstrong smiling at the camera.

Nelson Armstrong ’71

A photo of Tyrone Byrd posing for a photo in front of a green background with the word Dartmouth on it.

Tyrone Byrd ’73

A photo of Crystal Crawford, on the left, posing for a photo in front of a green background with the word Dartmouth on it.

Crystal Crawford ’87

A photo of David Dietze, on the right, posing for a photo in front of a green background with the word Dartmouth on it.

David Dietze ’78

Past Alumni Award Recipients By Class

The Dartmouth Young Alumni Distinguished Service Award

The Alumni Council presents the Dartmouth College Young Alumni Distinguished Service Award annually to alumni in classes from the past 15 years who have demonstrated extraordinary service to Dartmouth. The first Young Alumni Award was presented in 1990, and since then, more than 50 alumni have been honored.

A photo of Jamila Ma, on the right, posing for a photo in front of a green background.

Jamila Ma ’12

A photo of Katie Paxton, on the right, posing for a photo in front of a green background.

Katie Paxton ’11

Past Young Alumni Award Recipients By Class

A photo of Professor Jeremy DeSilva posing for a photo, on the right, holding his award

The Professor John Rassias Award for Faculty Commitment to Lifelong Learning

Inspired by its namesake's unmatched loyalty to alumni, The Professor John Rassias Award for Faculty Commitment to Lifelong Learning recognizes current or retired faculty members who go above and beyond to remain connected to Dartmouth graduates. 

Learn More About Professor Jerry DeSilva
2023 Wearers of the Green inductees

Wearers of the Green

The Wearers of the Green program honors students, alumni, and coaches for athletic excellence in their respective sports. Qualified students and alumni are eligible for induction five years after their class has graduated, while qualified coaches are eligible for induction after they leave Dartmouth. Varsity sport qualifiers are inducted in even-numbered years, while qualifiers in club sports, masters, and other sports are honored in odd-numbered years.