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Event Resources

Here are resources to help you host the perfect in-person and virtual events.

Plan an Event

Hosting and attending alumni events is one of the best ways to stay connected with the Dartmouth community. We’re here to ensure that your event is a resounding success!

Hosting an Event

Event Registration Forms

Encompass (formerly iModules) Registration Forms

Event registration forms can be created in Encompass to help classes share event details, track event attendance, and collect registration fees. Learn more about the event registration tool.

Encompass registration forms may be utilized for both in-person and virtual events.

Zoom Registration Forms

Class volunteers may set up a Zoom account through Dartmouth and it is possible to set up a simple event registration form for Zoom meetings. For assistance with your Zoom questions, please visit the Zoom Help Center. Zoom is supported by Zoom staff and is not supported by the College or the Alumni Help Desk.



Dartmouth alumni and their families are invited to return to Hanover to reconnect with classmates, friends, and faculty during Reunions!

Click here for a schedule of upcoming Reunions.

Click here for the 2024 College Price List.

An image of people partying outdoors on the Green looking at a stage performance with pyrotechnics.

Mini-Reunions 101

Mini-reunions are integral to providing Dartmouth alumni with opportunities for classmates and friends to gather, reflect, and generate enthusiasm. The mini-reunion chairs and committee members are selected by their classmates and generously volunteer their time building and maintaining the bond between their classmates and the College as the primary event planners for each class.

What is a Mini-Reunion?

A mini-reunion is a non-reunion gathering of classmates that has been widely publicized in advance of the event, requires some effort to organize, and is hosted with the purpose of reuniting classmates.

Role of the Mini-Reunion Chair

  • Foster connections between classmates ’round the girdled Earth
  • Plan and organize all non-reunion activities for the class
  • Engage classmates as members of your mini-reunion committee (e.g. city captains) to help coordinate events in regions with large numbers of classmates

Mini-Reunion Requirements

  • All mini-reunions must be open to all members of the class and not an exclusive subset of the class
  • Mini-reunions should be widely publicized and may include targeted marketing to classmates in a specified region
  • Events occurring over multiple days (such as a destination mini reunion) or a recurring series (such as monthly luncheons) shall be considered a single event
  • If an event takes place in multiple locations (such as class birthdays), each location shall be considered an individual mini-reunion event
  • Mini-reunions may be held virtually
  • Classes are expected to plan a minimum of three (3) mini-reunions per year


Chairs should track the date, location, number of classmates in attendance, and total number of people attending (including guests) for each mini-reunion. This information, along with a brief description of each event, should be reported to the class executive and will be necessary for completion of the year-end Class Activities Report.

Sample Tracking Documents


A cornerstone to any great event is its publicity. The list below reflects some of the ways classes have advertised mini-reunions. Other methods may be employed and not every method is appropriate for every class or event.

  • College Resources
    • Alumni Events Calendar Posting - Every mini-reunion should be sent to Alumni Relations to be posted on the Alumni Events Calendar
    • Dartmouth Alumni Magazine - Mention your mini-reunions in your class news section
    • Event Registration - Track registrations via iModules. Email the event information to Alumni Relations to handle the rest!
  • Class Resources
    • Class Newsletter - Dedicate a column to upcoming mini-reunions in each class newsletter
    • Class Website - Keep your class website up to date by posting upcoming mini-reunions
    • Postcards - Send a postcard to all classmates or classmates in a specific geographic region
    • Email - Utilize your iModules email capabilities to share opportunities for classmates to connect
    • Class Facebook Page - Post event details to the Facebook page or create a Facebook event

Mini Reunions: Frequently Asked Questions

Event Ideas

Interested in providing fun and unique events throughout the year? The possibilities are endless! Take a moment to review a list of event ideas below.