Who Can Interview?
Your questions about Admissions Ambassador eligibility, answered!
Eligibility Requirements
All Dartmouth alumni and graduating seniors are welcome to become ambassadors, including graduate school alumni!
Potential conflicts of interest, either real or perceived by applicants, will inform a volunteer's eligibility.
DEDs and interviewers cannot have an immediate family members applying to Dartmouth. Please update your volunteer registration to let us know to put you on sabbatical status for the year.
DEDs and interviewers cannot be paid for work as college admissions or counseling professionals.
An interviewer cannot interview an applicant or a child of someone with whom he or she has a relationship. Alumni can submit letters of recommendation for applicants they personally know.
Interviewers cannot interview for any other undergraduate admissions office.

Letters of Recommendation
Letters can be sent directly to the admissions office at submit@dartmouth.edu
Please include the student’s full name and high school or date of birth in your email subject line to ensure your letter is added to the correct file. Your letter will be added to the student’s file, and you will be notified that the letter was received.
Have Questions?
We invite you to contact individual members of our staff by phone or email, or by visiting our office. Not sure who to contact? Email us at aap@dartmouth.edu and we’ll direct your question to the right person.