Association of Alumni Announces 2023-2024 Timeline

The Association of Alumni Executive Committee will announce its nominated slate of candidates for officers and members of the Executive Committee by November 21, 2023. Petition candidates have until December 7, 2023, to submit a petition with 500 Dartmouth alumni signatures for inclusion on a ballot. The executive committee or any one percent of the voting members of the Association may file a proposed amendment to the Association of Alumni constitution. The deadline to submit signed petitions to place amendments to the association constitution on a ballot is November 7, 2023.
If the nominated Association of Alumni slate is uncontested, then they will assume office, without the need for an election, on the day of the annual meeting of the Association of Alumni, March 14, 2024. If the slate is contested and/or there are Association of Alumni constitution amendments to be voted on, then the annual election will be held from February 5 through March 4, 2024. If there is an election, the results will be announced at the Association of Alumni annual meeting on March 14, 2024. Ballots in the election may be cast by mail or electronic transmission. Ballots will be sent electronically to each eligible voter, unless a voter has asked the secretary or the Office of Alumni Relations to send the voter a paper ballot by mail, in which case the secretary will send the voter a paper ballot by mail, and will send ballots electronically to all voters who do not request a paper ballot by mail. For more information, please review the election guidelines, access the Vox the Vote website, or contact the Office of Alumni Relations at (603) 646-2953 (note the updated phone number).
November 21, 2023
Association of Alumni announces slate of nominated candidates and proposed association constitution amendments
January 3, 2024, 3 p.m. ET
Deadline for any petition trustee candidates
December 7, 2023
Deadline to submit petitions to the Association of Alumni Executive Committee for association constitution amendments
February 5, 2024
If there is a contested election and/or proposed association constitution amendments, then all-media (electronic balloting with paper ballots upon request) voting opens
March 4, 2024
If there is a contested election and/or proposed constitution amendments, then all-media voting closes
March 14, 2024
Association of Alumni annual meeting held virtually