Dartmouth Reunions
Your Reunion adventure begins here. Connect with classmates, check the calendar, update your information.

Get Ready for Reunions 2025!
Reunion registration for all 2025 classes is open! On-campus housing registration is also available, but you must register for Reunion before signing up for on-campus housing.
Pricing varies by class—please check your individual class page for details. Guests and family members are welcome to attend, and you can register them when you sign up for Reunion. Single-day attendance is not available. Contact your class for special arrangements.
Space is limited, so we strongly recommend everyone interested in attending registers well in advance of Reunion weekend. Please see your class page for specific pricing information.

Reunions 2025 Registration and Schedules
Find your class below to register and view the full schedule for your Reunion.
Registration Information
Rate: $400
Class refund policy: We understand that work or other events may arise, causing your reunion plans to change. We can offer a refund through May 18, 2025. Please contact George Wittreich at gnw@aerodyne.com if you have questions about this policy.
Schedule and Details
All events/activities subject to change
Locations will be confirmed and added later this spring
(D) indicates College–sponsored activities
Monday, June 16
10 a.m.–6 p.m. Check In
Occom Commons, McLaughlin Cluster
12 p.m. Lunch on Your Own
1:30–2:15 p.m. Dartmouth College Today Campus Bus Tour (D)
Meet at Maynard Street Bus Stop
1:30–3 p.m. Walking Tour of the West End of Campus (D)
Meet at Blunt Alumni Center Lawn
2:15–3 p.m. Dartmouth College Today Campus Bus Tour (D)
Meet at Maynard Street Bus Stop
3:30–4:30 p.m. Back to Class (D)
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship (D)
6–9 p.m. Welcome Reception and Dinner
9–11 p.m. Class Socializing
Occom Commons
Tuesday, June 17
8 a.m.–6 p.m. Check In and Help Desk
Blunt Alumni Center
7:30–8:30 a.m. Breakfast
Class of 1953 Commons (formerly Thayer Dining Hall)
7:30–8:45 a.m. Professional School Breakfasts (D)
Open to graduate school alumni and guests
Thayer School of Engineering
8–8:45 a.m. Reception for Thayer Alumni
Lite continental breakfast offered
Class of 1982 Engineering and Computer Science Center, Class of 1993 Conference Room E035, Ground Floor
8:45–9:45 a.m. Dartmouth Engineering Open House
Doug to share opening remarks for first 15 minutes
Class of 1982 Engineering and Computer Science Center, TEAL Classroom E008, Ground Floor
9–10:30 a.m. Class Programming
10:45–11:45 a.m. A Conversation with President Sian Leah Beilock ‘76a (D)
Filene Auditorium
12–1:15 p.m. Lunch and Class Meeting
1:30–3 p.m. Class Programming
- Hood Museum and John Stomberg, Virginia Rice Kelsey 1961s Director of the Hood Museum of Art
- Student-led athletics facilities tour
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship (D)
5–6 p.m. 1769 Society and Bartlett Tower Society Reception (D)
A celebration of generosity for members of the 1769 Society and Bartlett Tower Society. By invitation only.
Hanover Inn
6 p.m. Class Photo
Dartmouth Hall Lawn
6:30–8 p.m. Reception and Dinner
Indoors in Class of 1953 Commons
8–10 p.m. Performance by Cindy Pierce
Filene Auditorium
10 p.m. Socializing with Class of 1970
1970 Class Tent
Wednesday, June 18
8 a.m.–12 p.m. Information and Help Desk
Blunt Alumni Center
7:30–8:45 a.m. Breakfast
Class of 1953 Commons (formerly Thayer Dining Hall)
9–10:15 a.m. Memorial Service
Rollins Chapel
Lunch at Moosilauke
Departure after memorial service, boxed lunches distributed either on campus or at Moosilauke.
12 p.m. (or earlier) Residence Hall Checkout
Luggage storage will be available
Registration Information
Early Bird/Until April 6
Regular/April 7-Reunion
Class refund policy: We understand that work or other events may arise, causing your reunion plans to change. We can offer a refund through May 18, 2025. Please contact Tex Morgan, Reunion Chair at hmorgdtex1@aol.com if you have questions about this policy.
Schedule and Details
All events/activities subject to change
Locations will be confirmed and added later this spring
(D) indicates College–sponsored activities
Monday, June 16
10 a.m.–6 p.m. Check In
Class Tent, McLaughlin Lawn
1:30–3 p.m. Tour of the West End of Campus (D)
Meet at Blunt Alumni Center Lawn
Shuttle will run from the class tent to Irving
1:30–2:15 p.m. Dartmouth College Today Campus Bus Tour (D)
Meet at Maynard Street Bus Stop
2:15–3 p.m. Dartmouth College Today Campus Bus Tour (D)
Meet at Maynard Street Bus Stop
3:30–4:30 p.m. Back to Class (D)
4–6 p.m. Class beer and wine tasting
Class Tent
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship
6–9 p.m. Welcome Reception and Dinner
Catering by Duck Soup
Class Tent
9–11 p.m. Class Socializing
Class Tent
Tuesday, June 17
8 a.m.–6 p.m. Check In and Help Desk
Blunt Alumni Center
7:30–8:30 a.m. Breakfast
Class Tent
7:30–8:45 a.m. Professional School Breakfasts (D)
Open to graduate school alumni and guests
Thayer School of Engineering
8–8:45 a.m. Reception for Thayer Alumni
Lite continental breakfast offered
Class of 1982 Engineering and Computer Science Center, Class of 1993 Conference Room E035, Ground Floor
8:45–9:45 a.m. Dartmouth Engineering Open House
Doug to share opening remarks for first 15 minutes
Class of 1982 Engineering and Computer Science Center, TEAL Classroom E008, Ground Floor
8:45–10:15 a.m. Class Programming
Tour of West End and Thayer
Shuttles will run from the class tent to and Irving
10:45–11:45 a.m. College Update: A Conversation with President Sian Leah Beilock ‘76a (D)
Filene Auditorium
12–1 p.m. Lunch
1:30–2:30 p.m. Class Programming
Joana Whitcomb, Director of Campus Planning
3–4 p.m. Athletics Panel
A conversation with Haldeman Family Director of Athletics and Recreation Mike Harrity and student athletes
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship (D)
5–6 p.m. 1769 Society and Bartlett Tower Society Reception (D)
A celebration of generosity for members of the 1769 Society and Bartlett Tower Society. By invitation only.
Hanover Inn
6–9 p.m. Reception and Dinner
Remarks by Mike Harrity
8–10 p.m. Performance by Cindy Pierce
Filene Auditorium
9–11 p.m. Class Socializing
Class Tent
Wednesday, June 18
8 a.m.–12 p.m. Information and Help Desk
Blunt Alumni Center
7:30–8:45 a.m. Breakfast and Class Meeting
Class Tent
10:45–11:45 a.m. Memorial Service
Rollins Chapel
11:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Class Photo
Dartmouth Hall Lawn
12 p.m. Residence Hall Checkout and departure for Von Trapp Family Lodge
Registration Information
Early Bird/Until April 6
Regular/April 7-May 31
Late/Walk-in Rate/June 1-Reunion
Class refund policy: We understand that work or other events may arise, causing your reunion plans to change. We can offer a refund through May 18, 2025. Please contact Richard Clark at 5clarks@att.net if you have questions about this policy.
Schedule and Details
All events/activities subject to change
Locations will be confirmed and added later this spring
(D) indicates College–sponsored activities
Friday, June 13
10 a.m.–6 p.m. Check in for Reunions and Housing
11:30 a.m. Lunch: Class Connections BBQ with the Class of 2025
2:30–5 p.m. Available for class programming
3:30–4:30 p.m. 50th Reunion Reception for Thayer Alums
Class of 1982 Engineering and Computer Science Center, South Atrium, Garden Level
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship (D)
6–9 p.m. Class Reception and Dinner
9 p.m. Class Socializing
Class Tent
Saturday, June 14
Registration and Help Desk open from 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Blunt Alumni Center
7:30–8:45 a.m. Breakfast
Class of 1953 Commons (formerly Thayer Dining Hall)
8:00–10:30 a.m. Dartmouth Alumni Travel Brunch
10 a.m.–4 p.m. Voces Clamantium A History of Dartmouth through Student Protest
Visit the Rooke Reading Room in Rauner library for a special exhibit looking at the history of student protests at Dartmouth. Exhibit will be on view Saturday only.
Rauner Library
10:30–11:30 a.m. Faculty Lecture
Professor Daniel Rockmore, Director of the Neukom Center for Computational Science
12:15–2 p.m. College Luncheon (D)
Luncheon with College Leadership and Trustees
West Gym
- 12 p.m. Bus transportation will run from the bus stop next to the Class Tent on Maynard Street to the Alumni Gym
- 1:45 p.m. Bus transportation will run from the Alumni Gym to the bus stop next to the Class Tent on Maynard Street
2–4:30 p.m. Memorial Service
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship (D)
6:15 p.m. Class Photo
Front Steps of Dartmouth Hall
6:30–8:45 p.m. Class Reception and Gala Dinner
9-11 p.m. Class Socializing
Class Tent
Sunday, June 15
7–8 a.m. Continental Breakfast
Class Tent
8:15 a.m. Procession Lineup
We will line up for the procession to commencement. Class hats will be provided for all.
Meet in front of Rollins Chapel
9 a.m.–12 p.m. Commencement
Members of the Class of ’75, including all attending class members, adopted classmates, spouses, and widows, will be recognized by the assemblage on the green as we process to our reserved seating prior to the academic procession. We are invited to remain for the entire commencement ceremony; however, it is understood that some may want to retire early.
Dartmouth Green
12:30–1:30 p.m. Lunch
Class Tent
12 p.m. (or earlier) Residence Hall Checkout
Registration Information
Early Bird/Until April 6
Regular/April 7-Reunion
Class refund policy: We understand that work or other events may arise, causing your reunion plans to change. We can offer a refund through May 18, 2025. Please contact Peter Greulich, Reunion Treasurer at petergreulich@comcast.net if you have questions about this policy.
Financial assistance available: The class of 1979 is eager to welcome as many classmates back to Hanover for our reunion as possible. To that end, the reunion committee is committed to providing financial assistance to classmates experiencing financial hardship. For more information, please contact Peter Greulich at petergreulich@comcast.net
Schedule and Details
All events/activities subject to change
Locations will be confirmed and added later this spring
(D) indicates College–sponsored activities
Wednesday, June 18 (pre-reunion activity)
10:30 a.m.–5 p.m. (or through breakfast on Thursday 6/19)
Pre-Reunion Mount Moosilauke Hike
Meet our classmate and hike organizer Steve Hufford at the Moosilauke Ravine Lodge at 10:30 a.m., and choose from one of three hikes of varying difficulty:
- A circular one-mile walk
- A three-to-four-hour, six-mile hike, with some ups and downs
- Summiting Mount Moosilauke on a five-to-six-hour hike covering seven miles and a vertical rise of 2,400 feet
After hiking, you can drive 45 minutes to the dinner & stargazing event, or stay overnight at the Moosilauke Ravine Lodge. Those wanting to stay at the Lodge will need to bring a sleeping bag (or rent one), and must make, and pay for, their own reservations. To make a reservation through April, use the reservation form. Starting May 1, reservations should be made by calling 603-764-5858. When making your reservation, please be sure to note that you are a member of the Class of 1979. Please email our classmate Peter Greulich if you are planning to come to Moosilauke to hike and/or to stay overnight. The Lodge will not be open for guests before Wednesday, June 18th.
Moosilauke Ravine Lodge, Ravine Road, Warren, NH
Dinner & Stargazing Hosted by Doug Arion
Enjoy dinner and stargazing at the home of Doug Arion and his wife in Twin Mountain, NH, roughly 90 minutes north of Hanover. Doug is Professor Emeritus of Physics & Astronomy at Carthage College, and a fabulous and enthusiastic guide to the wonders of the night sky. To register for this event, and for information on hotels in the Twin Mountain area, email Doug.
Thursday, June 19
12–8 p.m. Check-In (D)
10:30 a.m.–1 p.m. Cardigan Mountain Hike
Enjoy a roughly 2 ½-hour round-trip hike on Cardigan Mountain, led by classmate Tom Tomai. The mountain, with its beautiful views from the open area on top, is approximately 45 minutes east of Hanover, and the hike will climb roughly 1,300 vertical feet. Hikers will meet at 10:30 a.m. in the state parking lot at the base of the west side of Cardigan (not east). The parking lot should be easy for anyone heading to Hanover from points south (from Interstate 89, for example) to access. Please email Tom if you plan to participate in this hike.
Lunch on your own
1–4:30 p.m. Baker Bell Tower Open House (D)
Free tickets will be distributed in numbered groups of ten and will be available next to the Baker Library information desk one hour before the first tour. Groups will take the tour in order of their group number. Each tour will take approximately 20 minutes to ascend, take in the beautiful views, and descend. Each person must be able to navigate many steep steps and a ladder on his/her own.
Baker Library
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship (D)
6–8:30 p.m. Welcome Reception and Dinner
Kick off our reunion with hors d’oeuvres at 6, followed by a buffet dinner at 7.
The home of Paul & Elizabeth Centenari, 354 Poverty Lane, Lebanon, NH.
9–11 p.m. Class Socializing
Class Tent
Friday, June 20
7:30–10 a.m. Breakfast
Coffee also available in our class tent
Class of 1953 Commons
8–9 a.m. Yoga
Stretch, strengthen and balance your body while calming your mind. Everyone is welcome - from those who have never experienced yoga to those who do it daily. Katy VanDusen will lead this practice, suggesting modifications to meet your needs. Mats are provided.
8 a.m.–8 p.m. Check-In (D)
9–11:30 a.m. ’79 Class Virtual Art Show
Stop by the Class of ’79 Art Gallery to see a virtual art show of work submitted by our classmates, and marvel at the depth of artistic talent in our class.
Silsby Hall
9:30–11:30 a.m. Class of ’79 Pickleball Play
Calling all pickleball players, beginners through advanced! Join the fun on the four courts reserved for our class’s exclusive use on South Park Street, next to Biondi (baseball) Park. Balls and paddles will be supplied (but bring your own if preferred).
16 South Park Street
10–11:30 a.m. Pine Park Walk
Meet your classmate and guide, Dave Van Wie, at the D.O.C. House (at the far end of Occom Pond) for a relaxing and informative stroll through Pine Park, across the old golf course, into the woods and along the river. A naturalist, Dave will discuss birds, ferns, geology and other natural features of the hike with anyone who would like to listen. The trail is easy and graded, but unpaved, and the walk will take place rain or shine. Comfortable walking shoes are advised. Organic insect repellent will be available.
In front of the D.O.C. House at Occom Pond
10:30–11:30 a.m. Class Icebreakers
Prefer a more leisurely start to your day? No problem! Come hang out with old friends in our class tent. Or join in some fast and fun “getting-to-know-you” games, organized by our Class Outreach Director extraordinaire, Pat Pannell, and expand your ’79 circle. Light snacks, coffee and tea will be provided.
12–1 p.m. Class Lunch
Lunch today is a cookout featuring burgers, dogs (vegetarian options included) and all the fixings, plus an enticing selection of fruit, chips and cookies.
1–4:30 p.m. Baker Bell Tower Open House (D)
Free tickets will be distributed in numbered groups of ten and will be available next to the Baker Library information desk one hour before the first tour. Groups will take the tour in order of their group number. Each tour will take approximately 20 minutes to ascend, take in the beautiful views, and descend. Each person must be able to navigate many steep steps and a ladder on his/her own.
Baker Library
1–4 p.m. ’79 Class Art Gallery
The ’79 Art Gallery will offer several exciting ways to experience our classmates’ artistic sides. It will feature a curated “in-person” art exhibition, along with a more expansive “virtual art exhibition” running on a continuous slide loop, as well as an “Authors and Artists table” where books, portfolios and other printed materials by our creative classmates will be on display.
Silsby Hall
1:30–2:30 Oh, the Places You Can Go! With Dartmouth Alumni Travel
Come learn about the many exciting options for “changes in latitudes” on offer through Alumni Travel, from Robin Albing, Head of Alumni Travel (and wife of our classmate, Don Castle). As the song says, “there’s just too much to see waiting in front of me.” With the help of Alumni Travel you can arrange to go “there” (wherever your “there” may be) in the company of classmates and friends.
2–3:30 p.m. Bartlett Tower Open Hours (D)
Climb the 86 steps to the top of this iconic 71-foot stone structure built in the 1800s. From here, you will enjoy a spectacular vantage point with long views down the Connecticut River Valley all the way to Mt. Ascutney.
Bartlett Tower
2:15–3:15 p.m. Dartmouth Dialogues
Dartmouth Dialogues has been identified as a key priority of President Beilock’s administration, and we’re excited to share our progress with you! Please join Executive Director Kristi Clemens for an overview of dialogue initiatives on campus, with a special focus on the StoryCorps “One Small Step” program. Hear directly from participants and learn more about how alumni can be involved.
3–4 p.m. Reception for Thayer Alums
Class of 1982 Engineering and Computer Science Center, South Atrium, Garden Level
3:30–4:30 p.m. Back to Class (D)
4–5 p.m. Dartmouth Engineering Open House
Class of 1982 Engineering and Computer Science Center
4:45–5:45 p.m. Class of ’79 Memorial Service
Join with your classmates in a thoughtful and moving celebration of the memory of those we have lost since our last reunion a decade ago.
Zantop Garden, behind Rollins Chapel
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship (D)
6–8:30 p.m. Class Reception and Dinner
Class of 1953 Commons is the formal name for the building we knew as Thayer Dining Hall, which current students refer to as FoCo (for Food Court). Enjoy a casual walk down memory lane while sampling a variety of small dishes, highlighting the elevated and diverse dining options offered by Dartmouth Dining Services today.
'53 Commons
8:30–11 p.m. Class Socializing
Class Tent
Saturday, June 21
7:30–10 a.m. Breakfast
8 a.m.–8 p.m. Check-In (D)
Blunt Alumni Center
8–9 a.m. Meditation
Classmate Susan Drury is a modern-day mystic, visionary, healer, author and transformational mentor. Join her for an hour of exploring timeless wisdom and accessible meditation practices to enhance inner harmony, connect to higher wisdom, and bring greater peace into your life. All are welcome; no prior meditation experience necessary (and you can even come in your pajamas).
8:30–10 a.m. Pickup Soccer Game for the Classes of ’79, ’80 and ‘81
All comers are welcome for a friendly pickup soccer game at Burnham Field, just south of the Thompson Arena parking lot. Pinnies, water and balls will be provided.
Burnham Field, 5 Summer Court
9–10 a.m. DGALA Reunion Breakfast (D)
9–10 a.m. Women of Dartmouth Breakfast (D)
A decade of Women of Dartmouth! GATHER 'round for a Women of Dartmouth reunion breakfast! CONNECT in person with alumnae from across the decades, give a ROUSE for our stories, and celebrate how Women of Dartmouth INSPIREd, THRIVEd, SERVEd and TREKked while LEADing since our founding in 2014.
9–10 a.m. Panel Discussion in the ’79 Art Gallery
Moderated by classmates Laura Powers-Swiggett and Gail Frawley Patterson, the panel will explore the role of the arts in the lives of ’79 classmates. Why do they make art? What drew them to the arts initially and how has their relationship with their chosen medium evolved over time? How would they describe their art practices, including strategies for overcoming fallow periods and blocks? What would they say to someone who thinks art is not important or necessary in today’s world? What will the impact of AI be on art, and what could it mean—practically, commercially, and philosophically—in the future? How might AI affect our understanding of what it means to be “creative”?
10:30–11:30 a.m. A Conversation with President Sian Leah Beilock (D)
12–1:30 p.m. Community Lunch (D)
On the Green
1:30–2:30 p.m. ’79 Class Meeting
Join with our class officers, past, present (and future?), as they report on the many activities and initiatives in which the Class of ’79 is involved.
Class Tent
1:30–2:30 p.m. Affiliated Group Reception (D)
1:30–3 p.m. Alumni Row (D)
Boathouse on the Connecticut River
1:30–3 p.m. Bartlett Tower Open Hours (D)
Climb the 86 steps to the top of this iconic 71-foot stone structure built in the 1800s. From here, you will enjoy a spectacular vantage point with long views down the Connecticut River Valley all the way to Mt. Ascutney.
Bartlett Tower
1:30–4:30 p.m. Afternoon on the Green (D)
1:30–4:30 p.m. Baker Bell Tower Open House (D)
Free tickets will be distributed in numbered groups of ten and will be available next to the Baker Library information desk one hour before the first tour. Groups will take the tour in order of their group number. Each tour will take approximately 20 minutes to ascend, take in the beautiful views, and descend. Each person must be able to navigate many steep steps and a ladder on his/her own.
Baker Library
3–4 p.m. The Keys to Living Well as We Age: A Geriatrician’s Perspective
We’re all a few years older than we were in 1979 (yes, even you…), so it’s no surprise that the topic of healthy aging is of paramount importance to most of us. Did you know that more than 50 percent of all adults 65 and over have one chronic disease, and 25 percent have two or more? What can one do to mitigate the progression of existing chronic diseases while preventing new ones from developing? Our classmate Dr. Rob Scheiber will answer these questions and more in an interactive presentation, focused on the concerns and questions of those in attendance. He will share the latest from the medical literature, plus lessons learned from his many, honored, older patients and role models. Good medical care is essential to healthy aging, but it only accounts for 10% of health outcomes, so what accounts for the other 90 percent? What can you do to promote your own healthy aging and live your best life? Step one? Don’t miss this presentation!
5–6 p.m. 1769 Society and Bartlett Tower Society Reception (D)
A celebration of generosity for members of the 1769 and Bartlett Tower societies.
By invitation only
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship (D)
6–8:45 p.m. Class Reception and Dinner
Saturday evening promises a feast of flavors and fond memories as we gather for a gourmet dinner celebration. Savor exquisite, passed hors d’oeuvres before enjoying a lavish buffet brimming with thoughtfully curated dishes and decadent desserts. Whether you’re seeking vegan, dairy-free or gluten-free options, or have other special dietary requests, our chefs stand ready to ensure every bite is memorable. Raise a glass, connect with friends, discover people you didn’t know before, and revel in our class’s special camaraderie.
9–10 p.m. On the Green (D)
10 p.m.–12 a.m. Class Socializing
Class Tent
Sunday, June 22
7:30–10 a.m. Class Farewell Breakfast
Come say a last farewell to our classmates at our tent over omelets, pastries, fruit, coffee and tea.
Class Tent
12 p.m. (or earlier) Residence Hall Checkout
Registration Information
Adult (18+)
- Early Bird/Until April 6
$550 - Regular/April 7-May 31
$595 - Late/Walk-in/June 1-Reunion
$625 - Saturday Only Rate
Toddler (2-5)
- Early Bird/Until April 6
$75 - Regular/April 7-May 31
$75 - Late/Walk-in/June 1-Reunion
$75 - Saturday Only Rate
Junior (6-12)
- Early Bird/Until April 6
$140 - Regular/April 7-May 31
$140 - Late/Walk-in/June 1-Reunion
$140 - Saturday Only Rate
Teen (13-17)
- Early Bird/Until April 6
$140 - Regular/April 7-May 31
$140 - Late/Walk-in/June 1-Reunion
$140 - Saturday Only Rate
Infant (0-23 months)
- Complimentary
Class refund policy: We understand that work or other events may arise, causing your reunion plans to change. We can offer a refund through May 18, 2025. Please contact Brian Boyer at briandboyer7@gmail.com if you have questions about this policy.
Schedule and Details
All events/activities subject to change
Locations will be confirmed and added later this spring
(D) indicates College–sponsored activities
Wednesday, June 18 (pre-reunion activity)
2 p.m. Optional Overnight at Moosilauke Lodge
Spend an optional night at Moosilauke Lodge prior to hiking on Thursday, 6/19.
Make and pay for reservations on your own. Through April, reserve your spot. Starting 5/1, call 603-764-5858. Note that you are a Class of 1980 member. Rent or bring your own sleeping bag. Important: Please email Chris Bensley ’80 (cbbensley@gmail.com) if you are staying Wednesday night and/or hiking on Thursday. The Lodge is not open to guests prior to Wednesday, June 18th.
Moosilauke Ravine Lidge, Ravine Road, Warren, NH
Thursday, June 19
12–8 p.m. Check-in
9 a.m.-5 p.m. Moosilauke Hike
Led by classmate Chris Bensley, hikes of varying difficulty will be offered. You must provide your own transportation to and from Moosilauke.
Lunch on your own
1–4:30 p.m. Baker Bell Tower Open House (D)
Free tickets will be distributed in numbered groups of ten and will be available next to the Baker Library information desk one hour before the first tour. Groups will take the tour in order of their group number. Each tour will take approximately 20 minutes to ascend, take in the beautiful views, and descend. Each person must be able to navigate many steep steps and a ladder on his/her own.
Baker Library
1:30–3:30 p.m. Pine Park Walk
Join the Pine Park staff for a walking tour and hike through the beautiful Pine Park in Hanover, located along the Connecticut River near the old golf course. Various distances and difficulty levels will be offered.
Hanover, NH; main entrance on Rope Ferry Road.
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship (D)
6–9 p.m. Welcome Reception and Dinner
Kick off our reunion with a reception and dinner at the Hanover home of classmates Mark and Paula Ness Speers. Enjoy a special commemoration of Juneteenth.
9–11 p.m. Class Socializing
Tent Festivities and Dancing
Class Tent
Friday, June 20
Check in
7:30–10 a.m. Breakfast
Class of 1953 Commons. Coffee available in the Class Tent
8–9 a.m. Yoga
Hosted by the Class of ‘79
Lewinstein Athletic Center
10–11:30 a.m. Class Panel: “Reimagining and Reinventing Our Next Chapters”
An interactive discussion led by classmates Mary Ann Carolan and Mike Wall
12–1 p.m. Class Lunch
1–4 p.m. King Arthur Baking Class
Pre-registration and payment required. Must provide your own transportation.
1–4:15 p.m. Navigating College Admissions and Financial Aid (D)
1–4:30 p.m. Baker Bell Tower Open House (D)
Free tickets will be distributed in numbered groups of ten and will be available next to the Baker Library information desk one hour before the first tour. Groups will take the tour in order of their group number. Each tour will take approximately 20 minutes to ascend, take in the beautiful views, and descend. Each person must be able to navigate many steep steps and a ladder on his/her own.
Baker Library
1:30–4 p.m. Pickleball Instruction and Round Robin
Calling all pickleball players – beginners through advanced! Join the fun on the College’s courts reserved for our class’s exclusive use on South Park Street, next to Biondi (baseball) Park. 30 minutes of instruction followed by round robin social play. Balls and paddles will be supplied (but bring your own if preferred).
16 South Park Street, Hanover
1:30–3:30 p.m. Pine Park Walk
Join the Pine Park staff for a walking tour and hike through the beautiful Pine Park in Hanover, located along the Connecticut River near the old golf course. Various distances and difficulty levels will be offered.
Hanover, NH; main entrance on Rope Ferry Road.
1:30–2:30 p.m. Oh the Places You Can Go! With Dartmouth Alumni Travel
Come learn about the many exciting options for “changes in latitudes” on offer through Alumni Travel, from Robin Albing, Head of Alumni Travel (and wife of our classmate, Don Castle). As the song says, “there’s just too much to see waiting in front of me.” With the help of Alumni Travel you can arrange to go “there” (wherever your “there” may be) in the company of classmates and friends.
2–3:30 p.m. Bartlett Tower Open Hours (D)
Climb the 86 steps to the top of this iconic 71-foot-tall stone structure built in the 1800s. The view from this vantage point eclipses Bartlett Tower with long views down to Connecticut River Valley all the way to Mt. Ascutney.
Bartlett Tower
2:15–3:15 p.m. Dartmouth Dialogues
Dartmouth Dialogues has been identified as a key priority of President Beilock’s administration, and we’re excited to share our progress with you! Please join Executive Director Kristi Clemens for an overview of dialogue initiatives on campus, with a special focus on the StoryCorps “One Small Step” program. Hear directly from participants and learn more about how alumni can be involved.
3–4 p.m. Reception for Thayer Alums
Class of 1982 Engineering and Computer Science Center, South Atrium, Garden Level
3:30–4:30 p.m. Back to Class (D)
4–5 p.m. Dartmouth Engineering Open House
Class of 1982 Engineering and Computer Science Center
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship (D)
5–6 p.m. Wine Tasting
Hosted by classmate Bill Koch
Class Tent
6–9 p.m. Class Reception and Dinner
Enjoy a lovely reception and delicious sit-down buffet dinner with classmates in a beautiful outdoor setting (weather permitting!). Ample time for conversation and catching up! Vegan, dairy-free or gluten-free options available
9–11 p.m. Class Socializing
Tent Festivities and Dancing
Class Tent
12–1 a.m. Post Tent Festivities
Sawtooth Kitchen
Saturday, June 21
Registration open from 8 a.m.–6 p.m. in Blunt Alumni Center
7:30–10 a.m. Breakfast
Vouchers will be provided at check-in so that you may check out one of the several options for breakfast in town.
8–9 a.m. Meditation Session
Hosted by the ‘79’s; all are welcome. Join meditation specialist Susan Drury in exploring accessible meditation practices to bring greater peace into your life. No prior experience necessary.
9–10 a.m. DGALA Reunion Breakfast (D)
9–10 a.m. Women of Dartmouth Breakfast (D)
A decade of Women of Dartmouth! GATHER 'round for a Women of Dartmouth reunion breakfast! CONNECT in person with alumnae from across the decades, give a ROUSE for our stories, and celebrate how Women of Dartmouth INSPIREd, THRIVEd, SERVEd and TREKked while LEADing since our founding in 2014.
9 a.m.–5 p.m. 80 Connect Gatherings
9–10:10 a.m. Memorial Service
Classmate Wade Herring, Officiant
Celebrate the lives of the dear fellow ‘80’s whom we have lost. Musical guests
Rollins Chapel
10:30–11:30 a.m. A Conversation with President Sian Leah Beilock ’76a (D)
12–1:30 p.m. Community Lunch on the Green (D)
1:30–3:30 p.m. Afternoon on the Green (D)
1:30–3 p.m. Alumni Row (D)
Boathouse on the Connecticut River
1:30–2:30 p.m. Affiliated Group Reception (D)
1:30–3 p.m. Bartlett Tower Open Hours (D)
Climb the 86 steps to the top of this iconic 71-foot-tall stone structure built in the 1800s. The view from this vantage point eclipses Bartlett Tower with long views down to Connecticut River Valley all the way to Mt. Ascutney.
Bartlett Tower
1:30–4:30 p.m. Baker Bell Tower Open Hours (D)
Free tickets will be distributed in numbered groups of ten and will be available next to the Baker Library information desk one hour before the first tour. Groups will take the tour in order of their group number. Each tour will take approximately 20 minutes to ascend, take in the beautiful views, and descend. Each person must be able to navigate many steep steps and a ladder on his/her own.
Baker Library
1:30–4:30 p.m. Whoville to Whereville to Wheelock: Class of ‘80 Scavenger Hunt
Your classmates have put together a super fun campus-wide scavenger hunt, including trivia questions and visits to new buildings on campus. Form your own group of 6 teammates, or just show up and become part of a team. Prizes go to the winners!
5–6 p.m. 1769 Society and Bartlett Tower Society Reception (D)
A celebration of generosity for members of the 1769 and Bartlett Tower Societies. By invitation only.
Hanover Inn
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship (D)
5:30–8:45 p.m. Class Reception and Dinner
Another delicious and fun buffet sit-down dinner! Vegan, dairy-free or gluten-free options are available. Before and after dinner, celebrate our classmates who are the new recipients of the Parker Small ’80 Award.
9–10 p.m. On the Green! A Dartmouth Alumni Celebration (D)
9 p.m.–12 a.m. Class Socializing
Class Festivities and Dancing
Class Tent
12–1 a.m. Post Tent Festivities
Sawtooth Kitchen
Sunday, June 22
8–10 a.m. Breakfast
Come say farewell and “see you at the 50th” over coffee and breakfast sandwiches in the tent!
Class Tent
12 p.m. (or earlier) Residence Hall Checkout
Our 45th is just around the corner and we’re expecting a huge turnout. Please register here - you can also sign up for housing, get a sneak peak at our reunion schedule, and see which other ‘81s have said they’re coming! For even more info, go to the '81 reunion website.
Registration Information
Adult (18+)
- Early Bird/Until April 6
$500 - Regular/April 7-Reunion
Class refund policy: We understand that work or other events may arise, causing your reunion plans to change. We can offer a refund through May 18, 2025. Please contact your reunion contacts if you have questions about this policy.
Schedule and Details
All events/activities subject to change
Locations will be confirmed and added later this spring
(D) indicates College–sponsored activities
Wednesday, June 18
Moosilauke Overnight and Day Hike
This will be an unstructured event. If folks want to climb Moosilauke they can meet outside the lodge on Thursday at 9 a.m., where a volunteer will take a group photo and help people form hiking groups. If folks want to stay at the lodge or bunkhouses, they can make reservations until April 15. Otherwise they can stay at nearby lodging or in Hanover.
Thursday, June 19
12–8 p.m. Check–in
Lunch on your own
1–4:30 p.m. Baker Bell Tower Open House (D)
Built in 1928 and modeled after Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Baker Tower is one of the most iconic features on campus. Now's your chance to climb the steps and enjoy 360-degree views of campus, including The Green, The Hop, Rollins Chapel, and more. Free tickets will be distributed in numbered groups of ten and will be available next to the Baker Library information desk one hour before the first tour. Groups will take the tour in order of their group number. Each tour will take approximately 20 minutes to ascend, take in the beautiful views, and descend. Each person must be able to navigate many steep steps and a ladder on his/her own.
Baker Library
2–4 p.m. Class Programming
No reunion is complete without a peaceful paddle down the Connecticut River. Head to Ledyard, select a kayak or canoe, and shove off from shore for a little water adventure with friends or family. Hikes are planned, too. Classmate Ingrid Stallsmith is organizing a moderate hike that is a short drive from campus, though she’ll also provide downloadable trail maps for easier and more challenging hikes.
4–5 p.m. Class of 1981 tour of Cara Romero's Photography at the Hood Museum
Cara Romero is an artist known for dramatic fine art photography that examines Indigenous life in contemporary contexts. As Jami Powell at the Hood Museum notes, "Cara Romero is an immensely generous storyteller, and her images invite people into transformative dialogues about the lives of Indigenous peoples." The exhibit features over 50 works, including never-before-seen photographs and installations. This is a docent-led tour designed for our reunion.
Hood Museum of Art
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship (D)
6–9 p.m. Welcome Reception and Dinner
Remember when we met up with roommates and friends at Thayer for a meal? Well, our gathering at the DOC House will have the same classmates, but the food (and drink!) will be much better. Enjoy the beautifully renovated house near Occom Pond. The attire is casual—come as you are!
DOC House (near Occom Pond)
9–11 p.m. Class Socializing
Class Tent
Friday, June 20
9 a.m.–8 p.m. Check–in
7:30–9 a.m. Breakfast
Thayer Dining Hall has been renovated and rebranded! FOCO—originally from "Food Court" and officially called The Class of 1953 Commons—is the main dining hall for today's undergraduates. Enjoy a wide array of breakfast items and, of course, hot coffee.
Class of 1953 Commons
7:45–8:45 a.m. Deep Conversations
With Anne Scott-Putney, Abner Oakes: Grab your hearty breakfast and head upstairs to the second floor of the dining hall for a deep dive into topics that matter to us now. Our classmates will be discussion facilitators, and they ask that we bring an open mind and heart to our subjects. Topics include:
- Caring for our elderly parents
- Coping with drug and alcohol addiction in families
- Traveling to better know our world
- Reinventing ourselves in retirement. This will be a wonderful sharing and learning opportunity.
Class of 1953 Commons, Upstairs
9:30–11:30 a.m. Class Scavenger Hunt
With Jeff Healy, Sue Reed: Just how well do you remember the years 1977–1981? Here's a chance to team up in groups of 8-10, decipher clues, and track down hidden items related to our '81-derful era. To excel in this light-hearted contest, you'll need strategic thinking...map reading skills...tolerance for silly jokes...and comfortable walking shoes! Extra credit will go to scavengers dressed in flair, costumes, or vintage Dartmouth gear. Family members are welcome to join the hunt!
Rendezvous at the Senior Fence on the Green across from the Hanover Inn
10–11:30 am Pine Park Walk with ‘79s, ‘80s, and ‘81s
Dave Van Wie '79 has graciously offered to guide us on this beautiful trail that many of us remember fondly. Pine Park is the oldest conservation area in Hanover, and since the Hanover golf course closed, it has expanded to nearly 100 acres. Enjoy the towering pines, lovely views of the Connecticut River, and serene atmosphere.
Meet outside the DOC House
12–12:30 p.m. Class Photo
Dartmouth Hall Lawn
12:30–1:30 p.m. Class Lunch
Following the class photo, head over to our class lunch and help yourself to a delicious, nutritious selection of wraps catered by the Hanover Inn.
1–4:15 p.m. Navigating College Admissions and Financial Aid (D)
1–4:30 p.m. Baker Bell Tower Open House (D)
Built in 1928 and modeled after Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Baker Tower is one of the most iconic features on campus. Now's your chance to climb the steps and enjoy 360-degree views of campus, including The Green, The Hop, Rollins Chapel, and more. Free tickets will be distributed in numbered groups of ten and will be available next to the Baker Library information desk one hour before the first tour. Groups will take the tour in order of their group number. Each tour will take approximately 20 minutes to ascend, take in the beautiful views, and descend. Each person must be able to navigate many steep steps and a ladder on his/her own.
Baker Library
1:30–2:30 p.m. Dartmouth Alumni Travel: Oh, the places you can go!
Presentation by Robin Albing, Director of Dartmouth Alumni Travel. Robin Albing will share her many stories of taking alumni groups "round the girdled earth" to learn about other cultures—and creatures—in some of the most beautiful places on the planet. Meeting other alums enriches every adventure!
2–4 p.m. Class Programming
- 2–3:30 p.m. TED Talks
- 3:30–4 p.m. ‘81 Survey Results
Our '81 TED talks are taking shape, and we look forward to hearing from a variety of classmates about their passions, challenges, and visions for the future. Currently, we have three classmates who have generously agreed to share their stories: Keith Hammonds, owner and publisher of The Boulder Monitor, based in Jefferson County, Montana; Ann Jacobus Kordahl, young adult fiction writer and mental health advocate; and Pancho Ryan, an architect, photographer, artist, and entrepreneur who is focused on design and sustainability. Hear their stories, ask questions, and connect with classmates in a meaningful way. Vaughn Halyard will be our capable and charismatic facilitator. See you there! Following our TED talks, Jeff Walters will present and discuss the results of the surveys we completed earlier this spring. How have we changed over the years? The answers may surprise you!
2–3:30 p.m. Bartlett Tower Open Hours (D)
Climb the 86 steps to the top of this iconic 71-foot stone structure built in the late 1800s. Legend has it that the tower was built to replace the dying Lone Pine—yep, the one we still sing about: Give a rouse for the college on the hill, for the Lone Pine above her, and the loyal ones who love her! The tower offers long views down to the Connecticut River and all the way to Mt. Ascutney.
Bartlett Tower
2:15–3:15 p.m. Dartmouth Dialogues
Dartmouth Dialogues has been identified as a key priority of President Beilock’s administration, and we’re excited to share our progress with you! Please join Executive Director Kristi Clemens for an overview of dialogue initiatives on campus, with a special focus on the StoryCorps “One Small Step” program. Hear directly from participants and learn more about how alumni can be involved.
3–4 p.m. Reception for Thayer Alums
Class of 1982 Engineering and Computer Science Center, South Atrium, Garden Level
3:30–4 p.m. Student led tours of the Irving Institute and West End of Campus.
Meet at the columns in front of Blunt Alumni Center
3:30–4:30 p.m. Back to Class (D)
4–5 p.m. Dartmouth Engineering Open House
Class of 1982 Engineering and Computer Science Center
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship (D)
6–9 p.m. Class Reception and Dinner
When did you last treat yourself to maple-rubbed pulled chicken on a roll, slow-smoked beef brisket, and cornbread? Now's the time! Vegetarians will enjoy grilled portobello mushrooms topped with sun-dried tomatoes and grilled zucchini. Eat to your heart's delight and sway to the tunes of Mango Groove Steel Band—featuring Calypso, Reggae, Motown, and more. It's BBQ combined with the flavor of the Caribbean!
9–11 p.m. Class Socializing
Rain or shine, class tents are where we '81s can informally catch up and enjoy ourselves. Refreshments, information, and a friendly face are always available!
Class Tent
Saturday, June 21
7 a.m.–6 p.m. Check In and Help Desk
Blunt Alumni Center
7:30–10 a.m. Breakfast
Continental breakfast catered by Lou’s
Our world is changing fast, with one notable, blessed exception: Lou's Bakery and Restaurant. Established in 1947 by WWII vet Lou Bressett, this beloved eatery on Main Street is still every alum's go-to for a meal down memory lane. We will offer Lou's Continental Breakfast in our class tent. Enjoy the selection of hearty baked goods and hot coffee.
Class Tent
8–10 a.m. Morning Activities
- 8-10 a.m. Pickleball Round Robin: The national obsession with pickleball has reached the Hanover Plains! Join Jody Awad Evans for a non-competitive pickleball round-robin near the Alumni Gym. Please bring your paddles if you have them, and we will provide additional paddles and balls. Don't forget your sneakers, sunglasses, visors and Advil!
- 8-9 a.m. Meditation Session: Join Susan Drury ’79 for a relaxing guided meditation session. Napping ok, but no snoring, please.
- 8:30-10 a.m. Pickup soccer game for ’79s, ’80s, and ’81s: Is soccer still your game of choice? Head down to Burnham Field for a non-competitive game with other reuniting classes. We’ll provide pinnies, water, and, of course, a soccer ball.
- 8:30-10 a.m. Woccom (walk around Occom Pond) or Pine Park Walk: Grab your coffee and stretch your legs with a walk with classmates around Occom Pond (fondly known in the Dartmouth vernacular as a “woccom”) or out to Pine Park, the oldest conservation area in Hanover. Since the Hanover golf course closed, Pine Park has expanded to nearly 100 acres. Enjoy the towering pines, lovely views of the Connecticut River, and serene atmosphere.
9–10 a.m. DGALA Reunion Breakfast (D)
9–10 a.m. Women of Dartmouth Breakfast (D)
A decade of Women of Dartmouth! GATHER 'round for a Women of Dartmouth reunion breakfast! CONNECT in person with alumnae from across the decades, give a ROUSE for our stories, and celebrate how Women of Dartmouth INSPIREd, THRIVEd, SERVEd and TREKked while LEADing since our founding in 2014.
10:30–11:30 a.m. A Conversation with President Sian Leah Beilock ’76a (D)
11:45 a.m.–12:45 p.m. Memorial Service
Patsy Fisher, Lynnette Marshall, Jeff Healy, Pat Berry
Over the years, we have lost a number of extraordinary classmates. Join us as we remember these friends who were taken too soon.
Rollins Chapel
12–1:30 p.m. Community Lunch (D)
Dartmouth Green
1:30–3 p.m. Alumni Row (D)
Alumni rowers and dedicated rowing enthusiasts will love the chance to visit our boathouse, which underwent a $7.5 million expansion and renovation completed in 2019. (Now, rowers can train in moving water tanks year-round, strengthening Dartmouth's ability to recruit top-flight talent.) If you're an oarsman who wants to row, row, row your boat gently down the Connecticut, come on down!
Boathouse on the Connecticut River
1:30–2:30 p.m. Affiliated Group Reception (D)
1:30–3 p.m. Bartlett Tower Open Hours (D)
Climb the 86 steps to the top of this iconic 71–foot–tall stone structure built in the 1800s. The view from this vantage point eclipses Bartlett Tower with long views down to Connecticut River Valley all the way to Mt. Ascutney.
Bartlett Tower
1:30–4:30 p.m. Afternoon on the Green (D)
1:30–4:30 p.m. Baker Bell Tower Open Hours (D)
Built in 1928 and modeled after Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Baker Tower is one of the most iconic features on campus. Now's your chance to climb the steps and enjoy 360-degree views of campus, including The Green, The Hop, Rollins Chapel, and more. Free tickets will be distributed in numbered groups of ten and will be available next to the Baker Library information desk one hour before the first tour. Groups will take the tour in order of their group number. Each tour will take approximately 20 minutes to ascend, take in the beautiful views, and descend. Each person must be able to navigate many steep steps and a ladder on his/her own.
3–5 p.m. Class Programming
Enjoy a special 20-minute cut of Sharon Washington's documentary film, When My Sleeping Dragon Woke. The film follows Sharon's journey from actor to writer as she pens her solo play Feeding the Dragon. Produced and co-directed by Chuck Shultz, Sharon's husband, this touching documentary explores family, identity, and the creative process. Following the screening of this cut that was produced specifically for our reunion, Sharon will be joined by her dear friend and classmate, Laurel Richie, to have an interactive discussion about "second and third acts" later in life. Join us!
5–6 p.m. 1769 Society and Bartlett Tower Society Reception (D)
A celebration of generosity for members of the 1769 and Bartlett Tower societies.
By invitation only
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship (D)
6–8:45 p.m. Class Reception and Dinner
Catered by Hanover Inn
This is the event you don't want to miss. Our dinner, catered by the Hanover Inn, will be truly special as we gather with old friends and pay tribute to our two classmates who will receive the third annual Class of 1981 John G. Kemeny Awards: Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe and Dr. Robert "Bob" Higgins. The attire is spiffy, not stuffy, with a touch of green!
9–10 p.m. On the Green!
10 p.m.–12 a.m. Class Socializing
Sunday, June 22
8–10 a.m. Breakfast
Continental breakfast catered by Lou’s
Class Tent
12 p.m. (or earlier) Residence Hall Checkout
Registration Information
Adult (18+)
- Early Bird/Until April 6
$470 - Regular/April 7-May 31
$500 - Late/Walk-in/June 1-Reunion
Toddler (2-5)
- Early Bird/Until April 6
$75 - Regular/April 7-May 31
$75 - Late/Walk-in/June 1-Reunion
Junior (6-12)
- Early Bird/Until April 6
$140 - Regular/April 7-May 31
$140 - Late/Walk-in/June 1-Reunion
Teen (13-17)
- Early Bird/Until April 6
$140 - Regular/April 7-May 31
$140 - Late/Walk-in/June 1-Reunion
Infant (0-23 months)
- Complimentary
Class refund policy: We understand that work or other events may arise, causing your reunion plans to change. We can offer a refund through May 18, 2025. Please contact Pam Armstrong at pbrockmeier@yahoo.com if you have questions about this policy.
Schedule and Details
All events/activities subject to change
Locations will be confirmed and added later this spring
(D) indicates College–sponsored activities
Thursday, June 19
12–8 p.m. Check–in
Lunch on your own
1–4:30 p.m. Baker Bell Tower Open House (D)
Free tickets will be distributed in numbered groups of ten and will be available next to the Baker Library information desk one hour before the first tour. Groups will take the tour in order of their group number. Each tour will take approximately 20 minutes to ascend, take in the beautiful views, and descend. Each person must be able to navigate many steep steps and a ladder on his/her own.
Baker Library
2–4 p.m. Class Programming
3:30–6 p.m. Dartmouth Organic Farm Tour
Join classmates for an afternoon learning about, supporting, and enjoying time at the Organic Farm.
Dartmouth Organic Farm
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship (D)
6–9 p.m. Welcome Reception and Dinner
Class Tent
9–11 p.m. Class Socializing
Class Tent
Friday, June 20
8 a.m.–8 p.m. Check–in
7:30–9 a.m. Breakfast
Class of 1953 Commons
9 a.m. Class Walk
Class tent to Occom Pond
9 a.m. Campus Sustainability Tour
Meet at Class tent
10–11 a.m. Class Memorial Service
Class Tree, Occom Pond
12–1 p.m. Class Lunch
1–4:15 p.m. Navigating College Admissions and Financial Aid (D)
Do you have a child who is starting to think about applying to college? If so, please join us for our workshop “Navigating College Admissions” with members of the admissions team. Advance registration required, click here to sign up
- 2:00–3:30 p.m. Navigating College Admissions
This session is designed to familiarize parents and their children with the national college admission process. The content of this presentation is most relevant for students in middle school and older. - 3:30–4:30 p.m. Financial Aid and Paying for College
This session is designed to help parents and their children understand the financial aid process and explore options for paying for college. The presentation is most relevant for middle school students and older.
1–4:30 p.m. Baker Bell Tower Open House (D)
Free tickets will be distributed in numbered groups of ten and will be available next to the Baker Library information desk one hour before the first tour. Groups will take the tour in order of their group number. Each tour will take approximately 20 minutes to ascend, take in the beautiful views, and descend. Each person must be able to navigate many steep steps and a ladder on his/her own.
Baker Library
1:30–3:30 p.m. Class Programming: ’95 at the Hood Museum Classmates will be treated to a facilitated tour of the Cara Romero exhibition and a presentation in Bernstein Center for Object Study.
2–3:30 p.m. Bartlett Tower Open Hours (D)
Climb the 86 steps to the top of this iconic 71–foot–tall stone structure built in the 1800s. The view from this vantage point eclipses Bartlett Tower with long views down to Connecticut River Valley all the way to Mt. Ascutney.
Bartlett Tower
2:15–3:15 p.m. Dartmouth Dialogues
Dartmouth Dialogues has been identified as a key priority of President Beilock’s administration, and we’re excited to share our progress with you! Please join Executive Director Kristi Clemens for an overview of dialogue initiatives on campus, with a special focus on the StoryCorps “One Small Step” program. Hear directly from participants and learn more about how alumni can be involved.
3–4 p.m. Reception for Thayer Alums
Class of 1982 Engineering and Computer Science Center, South Atrium, Garden Level
3–5 p.m. D95 Block Party
Party like its 1995! An afternoon party of music, food, and fun!
Class Tent
3:30–4:30 p.m. Back to Class (D)
4–5 p.m. Dartmouth Engineering Open House
Class of 1982 Engineering and Computer Science Center
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship (D)
6–9 p.m. Class Reception and Dinner
9–11 p.m. Class Socializing
Class Tent
Saturday, June 21
8 a.m.–6 p.m. Check In and Help Desk
Blunt Alumni Center
7:30–10 a.m. Breakfast
9–10 a.m. DGALA Reunion Breakfast (D)
9–10 a.m. Women of Dartmouth Breakfast (D)
A decade of Women of Dartmouth! GATHER 'round for a Women of Dartmouth reunion breakfast! CONNECT in person with alumnae from across the decades, give a ROUSE for our stories, and celebrate how Women of Dartmouth INSPIREd, THRIVEd, SERVEd and TREKked while LEADing since our founding in 2014.
10:30–11:30 a.m. A Conversation with President Sian Leah Beilock ’76a (D)
12–1:30 p.m. Community Lunch (D)
Dartmouth Green
1:30–2:30 p.m. Affiliated Group Reception (D)
1:30–3 p.m. Alumni Row (D)
Boathouse on the Connecticut River
1:30–3 p.m. Bartlett Tower Open Hours (D)
Climb the 86 steps to the top of this iconic 71-foot-tall stone structure built in the 1800s. The view from this vantage point features the Connecticut River Valley all the way to Mt. Ascutney.
Bartlett Tower
1:30–4:30 p.m. Afternoon on the Green (D)
1:30–4:30 p.m. Baker Bell Tower Open Hours (D)
Free tickets will be distributed in numbered groups of ten and will be available next to the Baker Library information desk one hour before the first tour. Groups will take the tour in order of their group number. Each tour will take approximately 20 minutes to ascend, take in the beautiful views, and descend. Each person must be able to navigate many steep steps and a ladder on his/her own.
3–5 p.m. Class Programming
5–6 p.m. 1769 Society and Bartlett Tower Society Reception (D)
A celebration of generosity for members of the 1769 and Bartlett Tower societies.
By invitation only
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship (D)
5:30–6 p.m. Class Meeting
6–8:45 p.m. Class Reception and Dinner
9–10 p.m. On the Green!
10 p.m.–12 a.m. Class Socializing
Sunday, June 22
8–10 a.m. Breakfast
Class Tent
12 p.m. (or earlier) Residence Hall Checkout
Registration Information
Adult (18+)
- Early Bird/Until April 6
$399 - Regular/April 7-May 31
$450 - Late/Walk-in/June 1-Reunion
Toddler (2-5)
- Early Bird/Until April 6
$75 - Regular/April 7-May 31
$75 - Late/Walk-in/June 1-Reunion
Junior (6-12)
- Early Bird/Until April 6
$150 - Regular/April 7-May 31
$150 - Late/Walk-in/June 1-Reunion
Teen (13-17)
- Early Bird/Until April 6
$150 - Regular/April 7-May 31
$150 - Late/Walk-in/June 1-Reunion
Infant (0-23 months)
- Complimentary
Class refund policy: We understand that work or other events may arise, causing your reunion plans to change. We can offer a refund through May 18, 2025. Please contact Joe Scott at jcsearmy@gmail.com if you have questions about this policy.
Schedule and Details
All events/activities subject to change
Locations will be confirmed and added later this spring
(D) indicates College–sponsored activities
Friday, June 20
Check in for the Class of 2000 reunion and campus housing will be held at the class tent on McLaughlin Lawn from 12-8 p.m. and Blunt Alumni Center after 8:30 p.m. At check-in you will receive your Reunion nametag, campus housing assignment, and room key (if applicable), and directions to parking.
12–1 p.m. Lunch on your own
1–4:15 p.m. Navigating College Admissions and Financial Aid (D)
Do you have a child who is starting to think about applying to college? If so, please join us for our workshop “Navigating College Admissions” with members of the admissions team. Advance registration required.
- 2–3:30 p.m. Navigating College Admissions
This session is designed to familiarize parents and their children with the national college admission process. The content of this presentation is most relevant for students in middle school and older. - 3:30–4:30 p.m. Financial Aid and Paying for College
This session is designed to help parents and their children understand the financial aid process and explore options for paying for college. The presentation is most relevant for middle school students and older.
1–4:30 p.m. Baker Bell Tower Open House (D)
Free tickets will be distributed in numbered groups of ten and will be available next to the Baker Library information desk one hour before the first tour. Groups will take the tour in order of their group number. Each tour will take approximately 20 minutes to ascend, take in the beautiful views, and descend. Each person must be able to navigate many steep steps and a ladder on his/her own.
Baker Library
2–3 p.m. Yoga on McLaughlin Lawn
Facilitated by Heather Healey ‘00. Join classmate Heather Healey in an all-levels yoga class (children are welcome!) on McLaughlin Lawn located adjacent to our class tent. Bring your own mat, or you can use your Class of 2000 25th Reunion Towel (purchased from the Class Shop!)
2–3:30 p.m. Bartlett Tower Open Hours (D)
Climb the 86 steps to the top of this iconic 71-foot-tall stone structure built in the 1800s. The view from this vantage point eclipses Bartlett Tower with long views down to Connecticut River Valley all the way to Mt. Ascutney.
Bartlett Tower
2:15–3:15 p.m. Dartmouth Dialogues
Dartmouth Dialogues has been identified as a key priority of President Beilock’s administration, and we’re excited to share our progress with you! Please join Executive Director Kristi Clemens for an overview of dialogue initiatives on campus, with a special focus on the StoryCorps “One Small Step” program. Hear directly from participants and learn more about how alumni can be involved.
3–4 p.m. Reception for Thayer Alums
Class of 1982 Engineering and Computer Science Center, South Atrium, Garden Level
3:30–4:30 p.m. Back to Class (D)
4–5 p.m. Dartmouth Engineering Open House
Class of 1982 Engineering and Computer Science Center
4–5 p.m. Family Canoe Paddle
Head down to Ledyard to rent a canoe with your family & friends, enjoying the splendid views along the Connecticut River.
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship (D)
6–9 p.m. Welcome Reception, Dinner, and Socializing
All classmates and their families are welcome for a build-your-own-burrito bar catered by Boloco on Friday evening as we kick off our 25th reunion! Note: Children participating in the "Kids Program" will have dinner available to them through the program, and they are welcome to choose whichever option suits them best.
Class Tent
7–7:45 p.m. Aires Performance
Class Tent
8–10 p.m. Ice Cream Truck by Sisters of Anarchy
Class Tent
9–11 p.m. Class Socializing
Music by DJ Nick with special guest set-list by our very own DJ Jeff Eldridge ‘00
Class Tent
Saturday, June 21
Check-in is open from 8 a.m.–6 p.m. in Blunt Alumni Center
7:30–10 a.m. Breakfast in the Class Tent, catered by The Works
9–10 a.m. DGALA Reunion Breakfast (D)
9–10 a.m. Women of Dartmouth Breakfast (D)
A decade of Women of Dartmouth! GATHER 'round for a Women of Dartmouth reunion breakfast! CONNECT in person with alumnae from across the decades, give a ROUSE for our stories, and celebrate how Women of Dartmouth INSPIREd, THRIVEd, SERVEd and TREKked while LEADing since our founding in 2014.
9–10 a.m. Bartlett Tower Open Hours (D)
Climb the 86 steps to the top of this iconic 71-foot-tall stone structure built in the 1800s. The view from this vantage point eclipses Bartlett Tower with long views down to Connecticut River Valley all the way to Mt. Ascutney.
Bartlett Tower
9:15–10 a.m. Memorial Service at Occom Pond
Join us as we honor the lives of our classmates who have passed for a special ceremony held at Occom Pond. We will be inside the DOC in case of inclement weather.
10:30–11:30 a.m. A Conversation with President Sian Leah Beilock ’76a (D)
12–1:30 p.m. Community Lunch
Dartmouth Green
1–3 p.m. Athletic Open Houses (D)
1:30–2:30 p.m. Affiliated Group Reception (D)
1:30–3:00 p.m. Alumni Row (D)
Boathouse on the Connecticut River
1:30–3 p.m. Bartlett Tower Open Hours (D)
Climb the 86 steps to the top of this iconic 71-foot-tall stone structure built in the 1800s. The view from this vantage point eclipses Bartlett Tower with long views down to Connecticut River Valley all the way to Mt. Ascutney.
Bartlett Tower
1:30–4:30 p.m. Afternoon on the Green (D)
1:30–4:30 p.m. Baker Bell Tower Open Hours (D)
Free tickets will be distributed in numbered groups of ten and will be available next to the Baker Library information desk one hour before the first tour. Groups will take the tour in order of their group number. Each tour will take approximately 20 minutes to ascend, take in the beautiful views, and descend. Each person must be able to navigate many steep steps and a ladder on his/her own.
Baker Library
3–4:30 p.m. Class Programming - TED-style Speaker Series
5–6 p.m. 1769 Society and Bartlett Tower Society Reception (D)
A celebration of generosity for members of the 1769 and Bartlett Tower societies. By invitation only.
Hanover Inn
5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Fellowship (D)
6–9 p.m. Reception and Dinner
6:30 p.m. Class Photograph
Baker Lawn
9–10 p.m. On the Green!
10 p.m.–12 a.m. Class Socializing and Dancing
Class Tent
Sunday, June 22
8–10 a.m. Farewell Breakfast, catered by Lou's
Class Tent
12 p.m. (or earlier) Residence Hall Checkout
Registration Information
Adult (18+)
- Early Bird/Until May 5
$299 - Regular/May 6-July 7
$350 - Late/Walk-in/July 8-Reunion
Infant (0-23 months)
- Complimentary
Toddler (2-5)
- Complimentary
Junior (6-12)
- Early Bird/Until May 5
$140 - Regular/May 6-July 7
$140 - Late/Walk-in/July 8-Reunion
Teen (13-17)
- Early Bird/Until May 5
$140 - Regular/May 6-July 7
$140 - Late/Walk-in/July 8-Reunion
Refund policy: We understand that work or other life events may arise causing your reunion plans to change. Full registration fee refunds will be offered through July 7, minus a $25 administrative fee. A 50% registration fee refund will be available between July 8–18. Beginning July 19, registration fee refunds will not be available.
Schedule and Details
All events/activities subject to change
Locations will be confirmed and added later this spring
Friday, July 25
12–8 p.m. Check In
All classes will check in at the tent on McLaughlin Lawn. Nametag, swag, housing key (if applicable) and directions to parking will be available.
2–5 p.m. Afternoon Activities/Class Programming
- Open houses
- Athletics
- Senior Societies
- Tours
- Baker Tower
- Bartlett Tower
- Hood Museum
- Ledyard boat rentals
6–7 p.m. Welcome Reception with Dartmouth Leadership
7–10 p.m. Block Party
Food trucks and entertainment
Life Sciences Center lawn
10 p.m. Dartmouth Late Night
Dance the night away with a silent disco on the Life Sciences Center Lawn, or head to Sawtooth for socializing with old friends, or make some new ones!
Saturday, July 26
8 a.m.–4 p.m. Check In
McLaughlin tent
8–10:30 a.m. Breakfast
Class Tents
9–10 a.m. Dartmouth Alumni Connections: Networking Breakfast
Join a dynamic community of alumni at every stage of their career journey for an enriching breakfast and networking opportunity. Whether you're just starting out or nearing the pinnacle of your profession, this event is your chance to learn about new opportunities, tap into the collective expertise of our network, and connect with fellow Big Green leaders. Come discover the power of our intergenerational network and leave with new connections, ideas, and inspiration. Register now.
10:30–11:30 p.m. College Programming
12–1:30 p.m. Community Lunch
Life Sciences Lawn
1:45–2:30 p.m. Affiliated Group Gatherings
2–4:30 p.m. Afternoon Activities/Class Programming
- Open houses
- Athletics
- Senior Societies
- Tours
- Baker Tower
- Bartlett Tower
- Hood Museum
- Ledyard boat rentals
4:15–5 p.m. Celebration of Life
Rollins Chapel
5:15–6 p.m. Toast to Reunion Volunteers/1769 Society
6:30–9 p.m. Class receptions and dinners
Various locations
9–11:45 p.m. On the Lawn
Band, food, glowsticks
Life Sciences Center Lawn
Sunday, July 27
Morning Breakfast (on your own)
10–11 a.m. Class Programming
12 p.m. On-campus housing check out
Registration Information
Adult (18+)
- Early Bird/Until May 5
$299 - Regular/May 6-July 7
$350 - Late/Walk-in/July 8-Reunion
Infant (0-23 months)
- Complimentary
Toddler (2-5)
- Complimentary
Junior (6-12)
- Early Bird/Until May 5
$140 - Regular/May 6-July 7
$140 - Late/Walk-in/July 8-Reunion
Teen (13-17)
- Early Bird/Until May 5
$140 - Regular/May 6-July 7
$140 - Late/Walk-in/July 8-Reunion
Refund policy: We understand that work or other life events may arise causing your reunion plans to change. Full registration fee refunds will be offered through July 7, minus a $25 administrative fee. A 50% registration fee refund will be available between July 8–18. Beginning July 19, registration fee refunds will not be available.
Schedule and Details
All events/activities subject to change
Locations will be confirmed and added later this spring
Friday, July 25
12–8 p.m. Check In
All classes will check in at the tent on McLaughlin Lawn. Nametag, swag, housing key (if applicable) and directions to parking will be available.
2–5 p.m. Afternoon Activities/Class Programming
- Open houses
- Athletics
- Senior Societies
- Tours
- Baker Tower
- Bartlett Tower
- Hood Museum
- Ledyard boat rentals
6–7 p.m. Welcome Reception with Dartmouth Leadership
7–10 p.m. Block Party
Food trucks and entertainment
Life Sciences Center lawn
10 p.m. Dartmouth Late Night
Dance the night away with a silent disco on the Life Sciences Center Lawn, or head to Sawtooth for socializing with old friends, or make some new ones!
Saturday, July 26
8 a.m.–4 p.m. Check In
McLaughlin tent
8–10:30 a.m. Breakfast
Class Tents
9–10 a.m. Dartmouth Alumni Connections: Networking Breakfast
Join a dynamic community of alumni at every stage of their career journey for an enriching breakfast and networking opportunity. Whether you're just starting out or nearing the pinnacle of your profession, this event is your chance to learn about new opportunities, tap into the collective expertise of our network, and connect with fellow Big Green leaders. Come discover the power of our intergenerational network and leave with new connections, ideas, and inspiration. Register now.
10:30–11:30 p.m. College Programming
12–1:30 p.m. Community Lunch
Life Sciences Lawn
1:45–2:30 p.m. Affiliated Group Gatherings
2–4:30 p.m. Afternoon Activities/Class Programming
- Open houses
- Athletics
- Senior Societies
- Tours
- Baker Tower
- Bartlett Tower
- Hood Museum
- Ledyard boat rentals
4:15–5 p.m. Celebration of Life
Rollins Chapel
5:15–6 p.m. Toast to Reunion Volunteers/1769 Society
6:30–9 p.m. Class receptions and dinners
Various locations
9–11:45 p.m. On the Lawn
Band, food, glowsticks
Life Sciences Center Lawn
Sunday, July 27
Morning Breakfast (on your own)
10–11 a.m. Class Programming
12 p.m. On-campus housing check out
Registration Information
Adult (18+)
- Early Bird/Until May 5
$299 - Regular/May 6-July 7
$350 - Late/Walk-in/July 8-Reunion
Infant (0-23 months)
- Complimentary
Toddler (2-5)
- Complimentary
Junior (6-12)
- Early Bird/Until May 5
$140 - Regular/May 6-July 7
$140 - Late/Walk-in/July 8-Reunion
Teen (13-17)
- Early Bird/Until May 5
$140 - Regular/May 6-July 7
$140 - Late/Walk-in/July 8-Reunion
Refund policy: We understand that work or other life events may arise causing your reunion plans to change. Full registration fee refunds will be offered through July 7, minus a $25 administrative fee. A 50% registration fee refund will be available between July 8–18. Beginning July 19, registration fee refunds will not be available.
Schedule and Details
All events/activities subject to change
Locations will be confirmed and added later this spring
Friday, July 25
12–8 p.m. Check In
All classes will check in at the tent on McLaughlin Lawn. Nametag, swag, housing key (if applicable) and directions to parking will be available.
2–5 p.m. Afternoon Activities/Class Programming
- Open houses
- Athletics
- Senior Societies
- Tours
- Baker Tower
- Bartlett Tower
- Hood Museum
- Ledyard boat rentals
6–7 p.m. Welcome Reception with Dartmouth Leadership
7–10 p.m. Block Party
Food trucks and entertainment
Life Sciences Center lawn
10 p.m. Dartmouth Late Night
Dance the night away with a silent disco on the Life Sciences Center Lawn, or head to Sawtooth for socializing with old friends, or make some new ones!
Saturday, July 26
8 a.m.–4 p.m. Check In
McLaughlin tent
8–10:30 a.m. Breakfast
Class Tents
9–10 a.m. Dartmouth Alumni Connections: Networking Breakfast
Join a dynamic community of alumni at every stage of their career journey for an enriching breakfast and networking opportunity. Whether you're just starting out or nearing the pinnacle of your profession, this event is your chance to learn about new opportunities, tap into the collective expertise of our network, and connect with fellow Big Green leaders. Come discover the power of our intergenerational network and leave with new connections, ideas, and inspiration. Register now.
10:30–11:30 p.m. College Programming
12–1:30 p.m. Community Lunch
Life Sciences Lawn
1:45–2:30 p.m. Affiliated Group Gatherings
2–4:30 p.m. Afternoon Activities/Class Programming
- Open houses
- Athletics
- Senior Societies
- Tours
- Baker Tower
- Bartlett Tower
- Hood Museum
- Ledyard boat rentals
4:15–5 p.m. Celebration of Life
Rollins Chapel
5:15–6 p.m. Toast to Reunion Volunteers/1769 Society
6:30–9 p.m. Class receptions and dinners
Various locations
9–11:45 p.m. On the Lawn
Band, food, glowsticks
Life Sciences Center Lawn
Sunday, July 27
Morning Breakfast (on your own)
10–11 a.m. Class Programming
12 p.m. On-campus housing check out
Registration Information
Adult (18+)
- Early Bird/Until May 5
$299 - Regular/May 6-July 7
$350 - Late/Walk-in/July 8-Reunion
Infant (0-23 months)
- Complimentary
Toddler (2-5)
- Complimentary
Junior (6-12)
- Early Bird/Until May 5
$140 - Regular/May 6-July 7
$140 - Late/Walk-in/July 8-Reunion
Teen (13-17)
- Early Bird/Until May 5
$140 - Regular/May 6-July 7
$140 - Late/Walk-in/July 8-Reunion
Refund policy: We understand that work or other life events may arise causing your reunion plans to change. Full registration fee refunds will be offered through July 7, minus a $25 administrative fee. A 50% registration fee refund will be available between July 8–18. Beginning July 19, registration fee refunds will not be available.
Schedule and Details
All events/activities subject to change
Locations will be confirmed and added later this spring
(D) indicates College–sponsored activities
Friday, July 25
12–8 p.m. Check In
All classes will check in at the tent on McLaughlin Lawn. Nametag, swag, housing key (if applicable) and directions to parking will be available.
2–5 p.m. Afternoon Activities/Class Programming
- Open houses
- Athletics
- Fraternity/Sorority
- Senior Societies
- Tours
- Baker Tower
- Bartlett Tower
- Hood Museum
- Ledyard boat rentals
4–5:45 p.m. Class of 2020 DCF Reception
Sawtooth Kitchen, Allen Street, Hanover
6–7 p.m. Welcome Reception with Dartmouth Leadership
7–10 p.m. Block Party
Food trucks and entertainment
Life Sciences Center lawn
10 p.m. Dartmouth Late Night
Dance the night away with a silent disco on the Life Sciences Center Lawn, or head to Sawtooth for socializing with old friends, or make some new ones!
Saturday, July 26
8 a.m.–4 p.m. Check In
McLaughlin tent
8–10:30 a.m. Breakfast
Class Tents
9–10 a.m. Dartmouth Alumni Connections: Networking Breakfast
Join a dynamic community of alumni at every stage of their career journey for an enriching breakfast and networking opportunity. Whether you're just starting out or nearing the pinnacle of your profession, this event is your chance to learn about new opportunities, tap into the collective expertise of our network, and connect with fellow Big Green leaders. Come discover the power of our intergenerational network and leave with new connections, ideas, and inspiration. Register now.
1O–11:30 a.m. College Programming
12–1:30 p.m. Community Lunch
Life Sciences Lawn
1:45–2:30 p.m. Affiliated Group Gatherings
2–4:30 p.m. Afternoon Activities/Class Programming
- Open houses
- Athletics
- Senior Societies
- Tours
- Baker Tower
- Bartlett Tower
- Hood Museum
- Baker Tower
- Ledyard boat rentals
4:15–5 p.m. Celebration of Life
Rollins Chapel
5:15–6 p.m. Toast to Reunion Volunteers/1769 Society
6:30–9 p.m. Class receptions and dinners
Various locations
9–11:45 p.m. On the Lawn
Band, food, glow sticks
Life Sciences Center Lawn
Sunday, July 27
Morning Breakfast (on your own)
10–11 a.m. Class Programming
12 p.m. On-campus housing checkout
Registration Information
Adult (18+)
- Early Bird/Until May 5
$299 - Regular/May 6-July 7
$350 - Late/Walk-in/July 8-Reunion
Infant (0-23 months)
- Complimentary
Toddler (2-5)
- Complimentary
Junior (6-12)
- Early Bird/Until May 5
$140 - Regular/May 6-July 7
$140 - Late/Walk-in/July 8-Reunion
Teen (13-17)
- Early Bird/Until May 5
$140 - Regular/May 6-July 7
$140 - Late/Walk-in/July 8-Reunion
DGALA is eager to welcome as many alumni back to Hanover for our reunion as possible. To that end, the reunion committee is committed to providing financial assistance to anyone whose financial scenario would otherwise preclude them from attending. All inquiries should be addressed to DartGALA@gmail.com.
Refund policy: We understand that work or other life events may arise causing your reunion plans to change. Full registration fee refunds will be offered through July 7, minus a $25 administrative fee. A 50% registration fee refund will be available between July 8–18. Beginning July 19, registration fee refunds will not be available.
Schedule and Details
Thursday, July 24 (pre-reunion activity)
12–8 p.m. Moosilauke dinner, overnight, and hike
Pre-registration required. Alumni must sign up directly with the Moosilauke Ravine Lodge for this add-on event. We will eat dinner together, sit by the fire, spend an overnight, eat breakfast together, and then take a bagged lunch for a hike up to the top of the mountain!
Friday, July 25
12–8 p.m. Check In
All classes will check in at the tent on McLaughlin Lawn. Nametag, swag, housing key (if applicable) and directions to parking will be available.
2–5 p.m. Afternoon Activities/Class Programming (C)
- Open houses
- Athletics
- Senior Societies
- Tours
- Baker Tower
- Bartlett Tower
- Hood Museum
- Ledyard boat rentals
3–4 p.m. Ice Cream Social at Triangle House
Opportunity to visit Triangle House; student and alumni meet and greet; Ben and Jerry’s truck
Triangle House
5–5:45 p.m. Queer Then and Now
Check out a special exhibit at Rauner Special Collections. Opening remarks by Val Werner ’20.
Rauner Library
6–7 p.m. Welcome Reception with Dartmouth Leadership (C)
7–9 p.m. Block Party (C)
Food trucks and entertainment
There will be a special DGALA seating area
Life Sciences Center lawn
9–10 p.m. DGALA-hosted Evening Entertainment
Featuring a drag performance by the House of Lewan (student run drag club), a set from Gretchen McNeely '92, and a headline performance from comedian Jaye McBride. Additional entertainment to be announced.
Kemeny Courtyard
10 p.m. Late Night Programming (C)
Dance the night away with a silent disco on the Life Sciences Center Lawn, or head to Sawtooth for socializing with old friends, or make some new ones!
10 p.m.–1 a.m. Late-Night Gathering in DGALA tent
DGALA tent
Saturday, July 26
8 a.m.–4 p.m. Check In (C)
McLaughlin tent
8–10:30 a.m. Breakfast in DGALA tent
Morning yoga/stretching
Family walk around Occom Pond (all invited)
9–10 a.m. Dartmouth Alumni Connections: Networking Breakfast
Join a dynamic community of alumni at every stage of their career journey for an enriching breakfast and networking opportunity. Whether you're just starting out or nearing the pinnacle of your profession, this event is your chance to learn about new opportunities, tap into the collective expertise of our network, and connect with fellow Big Green leaders. Come discover the power of our intergenerational network and leave with new connections, ideas, and inspiration. Register now.
1O:30–11:30 a.m. College Programming (C)
11 a.m. –12 p.m. Celebration of Life
Location tbc
12–1:30 p.m. Community Lunch (C)
Life Sciences Lawn
1:45–2:30 p.m. Affiliated Group Gatherings (C)
2–4:30 p.m. Afternoon Activities/Class Programming (C)
- Open houses
- Athletics
- Senior Societies
- Tours
- Baker Tower
- Bartlett Tower
- Hood Museum
- Ledyard boat rentals
4:30–6 p.m. DGALA Panel Discussion: Now More Than Ever: Building and Maintaining Community
Participants include Dr. Estevan Garcia, Chief Health and Wellness Officer, and Sharang Biswas '12, Th'13. Additional panelists to be announced.
5:15–6 p.m. Toast to Reunion Volunteers/1769 Society (C)
6–8:30 p.m. DGALA Lobster Bake Dinner
Rocky Courtyard
9–11:45 p.m. On the Lawn (C)
Band, food, glowsticks
Life Sciences Center Lawn
10 p.m.–1 a.m. Late-Night Gathering in DGALA tent
DGALA tent
Sunday, July 27
8–10 a.m. Breakfast (on your own)
Class of 1953 Commons is available for breakfast (additional charge to be paid on-site)
8–10:30 a.m. DGALA Farewell
Morning yoga/stretching
Families walk around Occom Pond (all invited)
Come say goodbye and pick up some DGALA rainbow swag before heading home
DGALA tent
12 p.m. On-campus housing check out
Activities marked with a (C) indicate College-sponsored programming.
DGALA 40th Anniversary
Join us July 25–27, 2025, to celebrate 40 years of DGALA! Stay tuned for more details, but expect a weekend filled with social events, networking, community, and unforgettable memories. Additional information will be shared in the coming months—be sure to check your email or visit dgala.org for updates.

On-Campus Housing
Housing registration opens on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. You must register for Reunion before signing up for dorm housing!

- Nightly Rate: $64 per person
- Registration Deadlines:
- June Reunions: Register by Monday, April 7, 2025, at 11:59 PM ET
- July Reunions: Register by Monday, May 5, 2025, at 11:15 PM ET
- After the deadline, housing will move to a wait list and will be filled based on availability. A $10 late fee will apply to waitlist requests.
Housing confirmations will be sent in mid-April for June Reunions and mid-May for July Reunions. Specific room assignments will be shared approximately two weeks before Reunion.
Dartmouth residence halls offer a variety of room types, including multi-bedroom units. While we do our best to accommodate requests for adjoining rooms, availability is limited. Be sure to include the names, ages, and relationships of your party members when filling out the housing application to help us determine the best arrangement.
While staying in an undergraduate residence hall offers a nostalgic college experience, these spaces do not provide hotel-style amenities.
- Rooms include: Single (twin) beds, linens, a blanket, pillow, towels, a cup, and a bar of soap.
- Daily housekeeping is not provided.
- Bathrooms: Most rooms do not have private baths.
- Air Conditioning: Not all dorms have AC, and summers in Hanover can be warm—plan accordingly.
- Accessibility: Several buildings have accessible first-floor rooms, and some have elevator access. Service animals are welcome, and accessible accommodations can be requested in the Personal Requests section of the housing application.
Due to high demand, early check-ins and late departures cannot be accommodated. If you need extra nights in the area, you will need to arrange alternative housing.
For the best chance at securing on-campus housing, register early and complete your housing application by the deadline. We look forward to welcoming you back to campus!
Important Information

Area Accommodations
While we think staying in the residence halls is a lot of fun, we understand if you need different accommodations. We encourage you to make a hotel reservation as soon as possible. Dartmouth does not hold hotel blocks (at the Hanover Inn or elsewhere) for Reunions, but your class may. Check with them before booking an area hotel.
- Local Hotel Accommodations
- Upper Valley Rentals
- Don’t forget to also check out Airbnb, Vrbo, Quechee Lakes rentals, Eastman Lake rentals, and bed-and-breakfasts.
- Alternative area lodging options can be found through our local area chambers of commerce.
This information is intended to serve as a guide to many area accommodations and does not represent a recommendation by Dartmouth.

Parking and Transportation
- Dartmouth College parking guidelines are in effect Monday through Friday, 6 a.m.–5 p.m. During that time, valid permits are required to park in all campus lots except the Thompson Arena Lot or the Dewey Lot. The Thompson Arena Lot is at the south end of campus (by the hockey rink and soccer fields) and the Dewey Lot is at the north end of campus (near the Geisel School of Medicine). Alumni Relations is not responsible for any tickets incurred.
- "No Parking" signs are posted around campus and are expected to be adhered to for safety reasons.
- Town of Hanover parking meters are in effect during Reunion; it is possible to get a ticket if not adhering to parking regulations. You can download the ParkMobile app to pay for parking around Hanover.
- There is no scheduled transportation between area hotels and campus.
- Taxis and rideshare services are not readily available in the Upper Valley, so please plan accordingly.

Cancellation Policy and Registration Changes
We understand that work or other life events may arise, causing your plans to change. Dartmouth College’s Reunion cancellation policy is as follows:
- June Reunions: Please see your class cancellation policy, which can be found in your Reunion confirmation email.
- July Reunions: Full refunds will be offered through July 7, minus a $25 administrative fee. A 50% refund will be available between July 8 and 18. Beginning July 19, refunds will not be available.
- Please contact the Alumni Help Desk at 603-646-3202 to request a refund.
- If you've already registered but need to add a guest or make changes, use the link in your confirmation email to update your registration.
Reunions Kids
Reunion Kids programming, offered for teens (13-17 years) and juniors (6-12 years), is operated by the Hulbert Outdoor Center, part of the Aloha Foundation Camps. Led by Program Director Ross Cannon and his staff, with support from Dartmouth students, Hulbert provides engaging, age-appropriate activities such as field games, arts and crafts, board games, and optional trips to the Montshire Museum of Science and the Dartmouth swimming pool. Hulbert has extensive experience working with K-12 students across New England and is excited to partner with Dartmouth College for Reunion Weekend.

Registration Details & Meals
- Children registered for Reunion are automatically enrolled in the program
- Included meals:
- June Reunions: Friday lunch & dinner, Saturday lunch & dinner
- July Reunions: Saturday lunch & dinner only
- Childcare is available through a contracted agency for July reunions only.
- A parent-supervised toddler play time takes place during July reunions only.
Friday, June 20th
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Junior Tent Activities
Who is up for street hockey, volleyball, kickball, capture-the-flag, arts & crafts, and other activities? Snacks, too.
12 p.m.
1 – 4 p.m.
Montshire Museum of Natural Science
The Montshire, located in Norwich, VT offers Dozens of cool, hands-on exhibits about the Natural and physical sciences, ecology, and technology. Children’s admission is included in the registration fee. Parents are welcome for an additional admission fee paid directly to the museum at the door.
2 – 4 p.m.
Bring a suit and a towel.
Karl Michael Swimming Pool, Lewinstein Athletic Center
Confident swimmers only
5:30 – 7 p.m.
7 – 8 p.m.
Tent Activities
Enjoy arts & crafts and board games and hang out with new friends
8 – 10 p.m.
Weather permitting outside under the stars.
10 p.m.
Tent Closes
Please be on time to pick up your Juniors!
Saturday, June 21st
Please note: the Reunion Kids program is closed from noon to 3:30 PM on Saturday so that children may enjoy lunch and other fun activities on the Dartmouth Green with their families.
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Junior Tent Activities
Who is up for street hockey, volleyball, capture-the-flag, arts & crafts, and other activities? Snacks, too.
10 – 11:30 a.m.
Montshire Museum of Natural Science
The Montshire, located in Norwich, VT offers Dozens of cool, hands-on exhibits about the Natural and physical sciences, ecology, and technology. Children’s admission is included in the registration fee. Parents are welcome for an additional admission fee paid directly to the museum at the door.
12 – 3:30 p.m.
Community Lunch
Parents and caregivers pick up juniors at Junior Tent and head to the Dartmouth Green for the Community Lunch!
Dartmouth Green
3:30 p.m.
Junior Tent Reopens
Street hockey, volleyball, capture-the-flag, arts & crafts, and other activities. Snacks, too.
5:30 – 7 p.m.
6 – 8 p.m.
Evening Activities
Street hockey, volleyball, capture-the-flag, arts & crafts, and other activities. Snacks, too.
8 – 10 p.m.
Evening Fun
Movies weather permitting outside under the stars.
10 p.m.
Tent Closes
Please be on time to pick up your juniors!
Program Details:
For more information about the Hulbert Outdoor Center, please visit their
- Register on your class registration site.
- Sign in at the Junior Tent upon arrival.
- Juniors must be accompanied by a parent when first registering at the Junior Tent.
- We assume that your child does not have your permission to leave any junior activity without the direct supervision of the program staff.
- Children should have a warm jacket or sweater for the cool evening weather.
- Swimmers should bring a towel and bathing suit.
- The Kids Program ends at 10 each evening. A parent or caregiver must check the child out of the tent each night. Please be sure to pick up your child on time.
Friday, June 20th
9 a.m. – 10 a.m.
Time to get to know one another.
10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Activities and Games
12 p.m.
1 – 4:15 p.m.
Navigating College Admissions and Financial Aid (D)
These sessions are designed to familiarize parents and their college-bound children in grades 9–11 with the national college admission and financial aid process. Ideally, students should start planning for college early in their high school career, ensuring a comprehensive plan for their high school courses, extracurricular activities, and how to approach the college search process. Registration is required using this link. If you have any questions, please contact the Admissions Ambassador Program at 603-646-3169 or aap@dartmouth.edu.
1 – 4 p.m.
Montshire Museum of Natural Science
The Montshire, located in Norwich, VT offers Dozens of cool, hands-on exhibits about the Natural and physical sciences, ecology, and technology. Children’s admission is included in the registration fee. Parents are welcome for an additional admission fee paid directly to the museum at the door.
2 – 4 p.m.
Bring a suit and a towel.
Karl Michael Swimming Pool, Lewinstein Athletic Center
Confident swimmers only
5:30 – 7 p.m.
7 – 8 p.m.
Tent Activities
Enjoy activities, games, and field games.
8 – 10 p.m.
Movie Night and Hang Out
10 p.m.
Tent Closes
Please be on time to pick up your Teens!
Saturday, June 21st
Please note: the Reunion Kids program is closed from noon to 3:30 PM on Saturday so that children may enjoy lunch and other fun activities on the Dartmouth Green with their families.
9 a.m.
Teen Program Opens
9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Bring a suit and a towel.
Karl Michael Swimming Pool, Lewinstein Athletic Center
Confident swimmers only
12 – 3:30 p.m.
Community Lunch
Parents and caregivers pick up Teens at Teen Tent and head to the Dartmouth Green for the Community Lunch!
Dartmouth Green
3:30 p.m.
Teen Program Reopens
5:30 – 7 p.m.
8:30 – 10 p.m.
Movie and Evening Activities
10 p.m.
Tent Closes
Please be on time to pick up your teen!
Program Details:
For more information about the Hulbert Outdoor Center, please visit their
- Register on your class registration site.
- Sign in at the Teen Tent upon arrival.
- Teens must be accompanied by a parent when first registering at the Teen Tent.
- We assume that your child does not have your permission to leave any Teen activity without the direct supervision of the program staff.
- Children should have a warm jacket or sweater for the cool evening weather.
- Swimmers should bring a towel and bathing suit.
- The Kids Program ends at 10 each evening. A parent or caregiver must check the child out of the tent each night. Please be sure to pick up your child on time.
Saturday, July 26th
Please note: the Reunion Kids program is closed from noon to 3:30 PM on Saturday so that children may enjoy lunch and other fun activities on the Dartmouth Green with their families.
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Junior Tent Activities
Who is up for street hockey, volleyball, capture-the-flag, arts & crafts, and other activities? Snacks, too.
10 – 11:30 a.m.
Montshire Museum of Natural Science
The Montshire, located in Norwich, VT offers Dozens of cool, hands-on exhibits about the Natural and physical sciences, ecology, and technology. Children’s admission is included in the registration fee. Parents are welcome for an additional admission fee paid directly to the museum at the door.
12 – 3:30 p.m.
Community Lunch
Parents and caregivers pick up juniors at Junior Tent and head to the Dartmouth Green for the Community Lunch!
Dartmouth Green
3:30 p.m.
Junior Tent Reopens
Street hockey, volleyball, capture-the-flag, arts & crafts, and other activities. Snacks, too.
5:30 – 7 p.m.
6 – 10 p.m.
Evening Activities
10 p.m.
Tent Closes
Please be on time to pick up your juniors!
Program Details:
For more information about the Hulbert Outdoor Center, please visit their
- Register on your class registration site.
- Sign in at the Junior Tent upon arrival.
- Juniors must be accompanied by a parent when first registering at the Junior Tent.
- We assume that your child does not have your permission to leave any junior activity without the direct supervision of the program staff.
- Children should have a warm jacket or sweater for the cool evening weather.
- Swimmers should bring a towel and bathing suit.
- The Kids Program ends at 10 each evening. A parent or caregiver must check the child out of the tent each night. Please be sure to pick up your child on time.
Saturday, July 26th
Please note: the Reunion Kids program is closed from noon to 3:30 PM on Saturday so that children may enjoy lunch and other fun activities on the Dartmouth Green with their families.
9 a.m.
Teen Program Opens
9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Bring a suit and a towel.
Karl Michael Swimming Pool, Lewinstein Athletic Center
Confident swimmers only
12 – 3:30 p.m.
Community Lunch
Parents and caregivers pick up juniors at Junior Tent and head to the Dartmouth Green for the Community Lunch!
Dartmouth Green
3:30 p.m.
Tent Reopens
5:30 – 7 p.m.
7:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Teen field games
7:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Movies and Evening Activities
10 p.m.
Tent Closes
Please be on time to pick up your teens!
Program Details:
For more information about the Hulbert Outdoor Center, please visit their
- Register on your class registration site.
- Sign in at the Teen Tent upon arrival.
- Teens must be accompanied by a parent when first registering at the Teen Tent.
- We assume that your child does not have your permission to leave any Teen activity without the direct supervision of the program staff.
- Children should have a warm jacket or sweater for the cool evening weather.
- Swimmers should bring a towel and bathing suit.
- The Kids Program ends at 10 each evening. A parent or caregiver must check the child out of the tent each night. Please be sure to pick up your child on time.
Sitter Scout is a contracted agency who will provide childcare services Friday, July 25 and Saturday, July 26. Payment is made directly to the caregiver. Visit the Sitter Scout Dartmouth Reunions 202 page to learn more and register.
There are scheduled play times for Toddlers (2-5 years old) morning and afternoon on Saturday, July 26, and a Saturday dinner party. Toddlers must be accompanied by their parent or caregiver who must remain on site at all times.
Have questions?
Email the Volunteer Engagement team at volunteer.engagement@dartmouth.edu, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible!
Future Reunion Dates
Update your contact information so you won’t miss important Reunion details.
You will need your Dartmouth NetID to access your profile. Not sure what your NetID is? Contact the alumni help desk for assistance.
Please note that Dartmouth College reserves the right to amend future dates, should the need arise.
Fall Reunions
September 28–30
- Class of 1960 – 65th
- Class of 1955 – 70th
- Class of 1950 – 75th
June Reunions
June 12–14
Class of 1976 – 50th
June 15–17
- Class of 1971 – 55th
- Class of 1966 – 60th
June 18–21
- Class of 1985 – 40th
- Class of 1986 – 40th
- Class of 1987 – 40th
- Class of 1996 – 30th
- Class of 2001 – 25th
July 2026
- Class of 2015 – 10th
- Class of 2016 – 10th
- Class of 2017 – 10th
- Class of 2021 – 5th
Dates TBD
- Class of 1951 – 75th
- Class of 1956 – 70th
- Class of 1961 – 65th
June Reunions
June 11–13
- Class of 1977 – 50th
June 14–16
- Class of 1972 – 55th
- Class of 1960 – 60th
June 17–20
- Class of 1991 – 35th
- Class of 1992 – 35th
- Class of 1993 – 35th
- Class of 1997 – 30th
- Class of 2002 – 25th
July 2027
- Class of 2006 – 20th
- Class of 2007 – 20th
- Class of 2008 – 20th
- Class of 2022 – 5th
Dates TBD
- Class of 1952 – 75th
- Class of 1957 – 70th
- Class of 1962 – 65th