Association of Alumni Executive Committee
Conference Call
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Noon-1 pm E

Sue Finegan (President), Martha Beattie, C. Alec Casey, Karen Francis-DeGolia, Bob Higgins, Ken Johansen, Paul Killebrew, Andrew Son, Lynne Gaudet (secretary)

Amy Henry, Lorraine Buhannic, Mark Harty

Sue Finegan opened the call.

  1. Approval of April 3, 2014 minutes
    The committee approved the Association of Alumni minutes of the April 3, 2014 conference call.
  2. Association of Alumni Guidelines
    The committee agreed that the guidelines need to be revised to reflect the recently amended constitution. The committee also discussed the signatures required to run by petition. Three or four members of the Executive Committee will form a subcommittee to revise the guidelines and present them to the Executive Committee for approval. Lynne invited the committee members to let her know of their interest in serving on this subcommittee.
  3. 2014-2015 Association of Alumni Timeline
    Lynne Gaudet presented the timeline pertaining to the 2015 AOA election. The Executive Committee approved the timeline, which will also be posted on the website.
  4. Feedback for Presidential Steering Committee
    Sue Finegan, Lynne, and Martha Beattie shared with the committee the work currently done by the Presidential Steering Committee on Moving Dartmouth Forward. The committee has been established to recommend actions to end high-risk and harmful behavior in the following three critical areas: sexual assault, high-risk drinking, and lack of inclusivity.

    Lynne reported that the Alumni Council had breakout discussion groups at their spring meeting to provide feedback to the Presidential Steering Committee. The Alumni Relations office encouraged class, metro club, and affiliated group representatives to lead similar discussions with their executive committees. So far, 44 of these groups already had these conversations or are scheduled to do so in the near future.

    Martha shared how alumni groups like Women of Dartmouth, the Dartmouth College Fund Committee, the President's Leadership Council, the Parents Fund Committee and other groups are organizing regional events in Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and Hanover to discuss these issues and share their feedback with the Presidential Steering Committee.
    Sue Finegan asked the committee members to send her their thoughts on this process or suggestions of solutions to the issues raised by the Presidential Steering Committee.

Lynne will follow up with the committee members to inquire on their interest to join the subcommittee to amend the guidelines. She will schedule the next call for early August.

The conference call concluded.

Submitted by,
Olivier Gilloux
Administrative Assistant, Alumni Leadership