
Association of Alumni Executive Committee

Conference Call

Thursday, June 18, 2020, 3-4 PM ET

Participants: Luke Antal, Missy Attridge, Amberlee Barbagallo, Bob Charles, Steve Geanacopoulos, Budge Gere, Kyle Huebner, Lee Merkle-Raymond, David Millane, Kalina Newmark, Liz Nunez, Meg Ramsden, Angela Stafford, Monik Walters.

There are two new members of the Association of Alumni (AoA) Executive Committee, Missy Attridge ’77 and Monik Walters ‘19. Missy Attridge opened the call and welcomed the group. She asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the March 18, 2020 annual meeting of the AoA. Bob Charles moved to approve the minutes and Kalina Newmark seconded. All approved.

Missy indicated that the purpose of the call was to review the timeline for AoA and trustee candidate elections and to convene the nominating and balloting committees of the AoA.

The committee reviewed the timeline, highlighting the upcoming announcement of one trustee vacancy after Dartmouth’s virtual conferral of degrees on June 14. They discussed plans to notify all alumni of these vacancies and solicit nominations for trustee. There will be a postcard asking for recommendations sent to all alumni in early July, and similar language will be used for an all-alumni email message in the same time period.

Missy reiterated that the role of the AoA is to oversee the notification and balloting processes for alumni-nominated trustees. There will be only be an election if the Alumni Council-nominated candidates are opposed by petition candidates. Recommendations of outstanding alumni for the trustee seat are welcome and can be made online.

The committee discussed formation of the nominating and balloting committees. The nominating committee identifies and selects candidates for the AoA Executive Committee. There was discussion regarding ensuring the pipeline of possible candidates is deep and diverse. There will be eight openings on the AoA Executive Committee in the coming year. Sources of outreach for names of potential new members include affiliated groups and classes.

The committee voted to approve the notification process via postcard and email. As referenced above, the balloting committee oversees the election process, should an election be required. If the nominated candidates are not contested, an election does not need to be held, per the 2014 constitutional amendment. If a petition candidate arises, Alumni Relations would work with the committee on an information campaign.

Meg Ramsden will follow up in writing to solicit volunteers for each committee.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Meg Ramsden ‘87