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September 4, 2008, Conference Call:

Present: John Mathias, Kaitlin Jaxheimer, Cheryl Bascomb, David Spalding, Ron Harris, Doug Keare, Marian Baldauf, John Engelman, Veree Brown, Lynne Gaudet

Absent: Ron Schram, Otho Kerr

The meeting was convened at 6:10 pm.

  1. Approve minutes of the July 15 meeting. John Engelman moved the approval of the July 15 minutes. Marian seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
  2. John Mathias provided an update on the work of the Association Executive Committee/Alumni Council working group on the trustee election process. The group's members are John Mathias, Ron Schram, and Cheryl Bascomb from the Association and JB Daukas, Rick Silverman, and Jeff Weiss from the Council. The working group had its first conference call last week. John provided a summary of that discussion. Cheryl provided some information as well. The working group will next meet in person on September 12 in Hanover. John also reported on some very good discussions that he has had with Board chair, Ed Haldeman. Discussion ensued.
  3. David Spalding discussed the election guidelines in place for election of officers and for constitutional amendments. He suggested that a working group be established to review those guidelines. John Mathias asked people to e-mail him and David Spalding if they were interested in participating in this working group. Discussion ensued.

    John Engelman moved that the meeting adjourn. Ron Harris seconded the motion. The motion unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:04 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

David Spalding
Association of Alumni